39 Miss. Code. R. 3-1-7

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 39-3-1-7
100. COMPLIANCE BY CUSTOMER Any utility may decline to serve a customer or prospective customer until he has complied with all state and/or municipal regulations governing the service applied for and has also complied with the reasonable rules and regulations of the utility.
105. INADEQUATE FACILITIES A utility may decline to serve an applicant for service, or materially change the service of any customer, if in its judgment, it does not have adequate facilities to render the service applied for or the desired service is of such character that is likely to affect unfavorably the service to other customers; provided, if the utility is otherwise obligated to serve the applicant or change the service of the customer, it shall do so as soon as it may reasonably provide the required facilities.
110. HAZARDOUS EQUIPMENT The utility may refuse to serve a customer if, in its best judgment, the customer's installation of equipment is regarded as hazardous or of such character that satisfactory service cannot be given. This rule shall not be construed as imposing any duty upon a utility to determine the safety or suitability of a customer's installation of equipment for the use intended.
1. Residential Applicants

A utility may decline to serve any applicant who is indebted to the utility for the same kind of service as that applied for; provided, however, that in the event the indebtedness of the applicant for service is in dispute, the applicant shall be served upon complying with the deposit required in Rule 9 hereof, and, in addition thereto, making a special deposit in an amount equal to the lesser of the amount of the net balance in dispute or five-hundred dollars ($500.00). Upon settlement of a disputed account, the balance, if any, of such special deposit due the applicant shall be promptly repaid.

2. Non-Residential Applicants

A utility may decline to serve any applicant who is indebted to the utility for the same kind of service as that applied for; provided, however, that in the event the indebtedness of the applicant for service is in dispute, the applicant shall be served upon complying with the deposit required in Rule 9 hereof, and, in addition thereto, making a special deposit in an amount equal to no less than fifty percent (50%) of the net balance in dispute. Upon settlement of a disputed account, the balance, if any, of such special deposit due the applicant shall be promptly repaid.

120. COMPLAINT TO COMMISSION In any case of a dispute concerning refusal of service, the utility should inform the customer that he is privileged to lodge a complaint with the Commission concerning the matter if he chooses to do so.
125. INSUFFICIENT GROUNDS FOR REFUSAL TO SERVE The following shall not constitute sufficient cause for refusal of service to a present or prospective customer:
1. Delinquency in payment for service by a previous occupant (not of the same household as the present applicant) of the premises to be served.
2. Failure to pay for merchandise purchased from the utility.
3. Failure to pay for a different kind of public utility service.
4. Violation of the utility's rules pertaining to operation of nonstandard equipment which interferes with service to others, or other services such as communication services, unless the customer has first been notified and been afforded reasonable opportunity to comply with said rules; provided, however, that where a dangerous condition exists on a customer's premises, service may be refused or discontinued without notice.
130. EXPLANATION Residential customers may request a written explanation of the utility's decision to refuse service. The explanation shall include the reason service is being declined and what actions the customer must take in order to receive service. The ratepayer shall provide the utility company with a valid mailing address where the response can be mailed. The utility shall provide and make available to their customers at all offices appropriate forms for use by the customer to request an explanation of the utility's decision to decline service. The utility shall mail the written explanation within seven (7) business days after receipt of the written request by mailing U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, to the known address of the potential ratepayer.*

39 Miss. Code. R. 3-1-7

Mississippi Code Annotated § 77-3-45.