39 Miss. Code. R. 1-9-100

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 39-1-9-100 - Exclusive Method

All petitions for increases or changes in public utility rates or for the establishment of initial rates shall be by notice filing and shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions which describe the exclusive method of obtaining rate authority or changes, except as otherwise heretofore or hereafter ordered by the Commission.

1. Routine Filings
a. Defined

Routine filings shall be such as do not involve substantial revenue adjustment and may go into effect after thirty (30) days notice to the Executive Secretary of the Commission and the Executive Director of the Staff or after such shorter period of notice as the Commission, for good cause shown, may allow.

b. Contents

Pursuant to Schedule 5 of Appendix C, requests for changes in, or establishment of rates and schedules properly designated as routine shall be accompanied by:

i A clear, concise and nontechnical description of the nature of the service or change proposed;

ii A statement of the reason or justification therefore; and

iii Sufficient information to allow the determination of the approximate size of the revenue adjustment proposed.

2. Standard Filings
a. Defined

Standard filings shall include all changes in rates and schedules (other than routine changes) in which the increase sought is less than a major change as defined in Miss. Code Ann. § 77-3-37(8).

b. Contents

Unless waived by Commission order, the standard documentation to be filed with or included in every notice of standard change shall be that shown in Schedule 1 of Appendix C. Compliance with this requirement shall be deemed by the Commission as adequate compliance with the requirements of Miss. Code Ann. § 77-3-37(1) and (2).

c. Form

Attached to these rules and regulations and designated as Appendix D is a form suggested for use by any utility in the filing of a standard notice of intent to change rates. Except as may be otherwise ordered, conformity with this form shall be deemed compliance with these regulations.

3. Major Change under $15 Million Filings
a. Defined

The term "major change" is defined in Miss. Code Ann. § 77-3-37(8).

b. Contents

The standard documentation to be filed with or included in every notice of major change shall include all documentation referenced in Miss. Code Ann. § 77-3-37(2) and (5), and that reflected in Schedule 2 of Appendix C.

4. Major Change of $15 Million or More Filings
a. Defined

The term "major change" is defined in Miss. Code Ann. § 77-3-37(8).

b. Contents

Unless the Commission, upon application by a utility and for good cause shown, shall enter an order waiving one or more of the following requirements referenced in this paragraph, then whenever a public utility files a notice of intent wherein an increase in the level of annual revenues in the amount of at least Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000.00) is sought, the standard requirement list of documentation shall include the documentation described in Miss. Code Ann. § 77-3-37(2),(4) and (5), and the data described in Schedule 3 of Appendix C.

5. Initial Rate Filings
a. Defined

Requests for the establishment of initial rates for a newly certificated public utility or, in the case of an existing public utility defined in Miss. Code Ann. § 77-3-3(d)(iv) for the establishment of rates applicable to a newly certificated area. Such requests shall be made prior to the rendition of service.

b. Contents

Such filings shall contain or be accompanied by the documentation shown in Schedule 4 of Appendix C.

6. Temporary Rate Filings

The Commission may permit any public utility to alter, amend or suspend temporarily any existing rates, schedules and orders affecting such public utility pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. § 77-3-41.

7. Miscellaneous Filings
a. Defined

Miscellaneous filings are requests by existing certificated public utilities for (i) rate increases or changes which are based upon any emergency; (ii) a rate for a new service (which is neither a major change nor a standard filing) for which no rate has previously been established; or (iii) rate increases or changes which otherwise do not fall within the categories stated above.

b. Contents

Such filing shall be accompanied by sufficient information and documentation so as to allow for a full, fair and adequate evaluation of the merits of the requested change.

39 Miss. Code. R. 1-9-100