A CLEC intending to cease operations and to discontinue the provision of all local exchange telecommunications services in Mississippi shall file a formal petition for authority to do so with the Commission no less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the date of discontinuance of local exchange telecommunications services. The petition shall provide:
i The date service will be discontinued;
ii A sample of the notice to be sent or that was sent to the customers;
iii Date by which customer must select a provider, and;
iv Summary of how and what format the customer service records (CSRs) are being kept and how CSRs will be made available to other carriers.
A CLEC intending to partially discontinue local exchange telecommunications services on a geographic basis, by functional type (e.g. resale), or by class (e.g. residential), shall file a formal petition no less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to discontinuance of service for authority to do so with the Commission. The petition shall provide:
Except in instances described herein, no discontinuance of local exchange telecommunications service shall be implemented until the Commission has ruled on the petition and notice has been provided to end user customers.
Concurrent with the approval of the petition by the Commission, the Third Party Verification and Slamming Requirements will automatically be waived for new local service providers acquiring customers from the exiting CLEC.
In its consideration of the petition, the Commission shall determine if sufficient notice has been provided to customers and shall prescribe any additional notice or other requirements, as it deems necessary in the public interest.
39 Miss. Code. R. 1-23-101