39 Miss. Code. R. 1-2-115

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 39-1-2-115 - "Interested Persons"

"Interested Persons" means any persons entitled to notice of Commission proceedings as follows:

1. In any proceeding filed by a utility other than a telecommunications utility, any person (a) presently holding a certificate authorizing it to provide utility service of the same type as that authorized, or proposed to be authorized, for the filing utility, and (b) which presently holds a certificate for the same type of utility service for a service area, any part of which lies within one mile of the area certificated, or proposed to be certificated to the filing utility; or (c) where known to the Petitioner, any person or entity currently providing utility service of the same type in the proposed area regardless of whether a Certificate has been issued by the Commission;
2. In any proceeding filed by a provider of telecommunications services, all other certificated providers offering the same type of telecommunications services, as entered into the utility database maintained by the Executive Secretary of the Commission;
3. In proceedings filed by non-utilities or proceedings initiated by the Commission or the Staff, any person having a substantial interest in the subject matter of the proceeding or whose rights and liabilities may be materially affected thereby;
4. In addition to the above, in the context of any rate proceeding filed under the provisions of RP 9 (Notice Filings), any person who was a party of record in the last proceeding in which a major change in rates was sought by the filing utility.

39 Miss. Code. R. 1-2-115