39 Miss. Code. R. 1-13-104

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 39-1-13-104 - Duties of the Parties
1. Representative Authority

It shall be the duty of all parties to have present at the prehearing conference a representative or attorney who is authorized to enter into stipulations and agreements on behalf of such party. Any person appearing at a prehearing conference in a representative capacity must be authorized to act on behalf of that person's principal with respect to matters to be addressed at the conference.

2. Cooperation

In order that the Commission's business may be facilitated, delay avoided and expenses reduced, it shall be the duty of all parties and all attorneys to cooperate in the administration of the prehearing procedure.

3. Failure to comply

If any party fails to attend the prehearing conference after written notice, such failure shall constitute a waiver by said party of all objections to any order or ruling or stipulation arising out of such conference.

4. Expert Witnesses

To facilitate stipulations and agreements, each party is encouraged, but not required, to have present or available for consultation during the conference, appropriate experts or consultants, if any, that are employed by such party.

39 Miss. Code. R. 1-13-104