37 Miss. Code R. § 1-8601-01002-102

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 37-1-8601-01002-102

On occasion entities outside MDOT request pavement condition information in the form of reports and/or video. The interested party must contact MDOT's Legal Division and state the reason for obtaining the information. Legal Division will then contact the Research Engineer, who will then have the pavement management unit furnish the report and/or video to the interested party. A fee of $36.00 will be charged for recording VHS tapes, DVDs or other electronic media, and a fee of $0.25 per page will be charged for copying paper reports. MDOT reserves the right to charge additional fees if personnel time, mailing, and other duties involved in procuring the information become prohibitive.

37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-8601-01002-102