37 Miss. Code R. § 1-8101-00002-700

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 37-1-8101-00002-700

The following administrative fees shall be assessed to the registered owner and collected by the Department or Processing Agency, if one has been appointed by the Department:

1. Xerographic Reprod uctions
81/2XII" $0.25 per page
81/2XI4" $0.35 per page
11X17" $0.75 per page
2. Microfilm Reproduc;tions
81/2XII" $0.50 per page
Minimum charge of $2.00 per request
3. Computer Printouts $1.00 per page of report data
4. Certification of Documents
$3.00 first copy or c over letter
$1.00 each additionsil page
5. Video Reproductions
$10.00 first copy
$2.00 each additionsil copy

37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-8101-00002-700