Current through January 14, 2025
Section 37-1-7601-00800-201 The following words as used in this Rule shall mean:
1. "Department" or "MDOT" means Mississippi Department of Transportation.2. "Executive Director" means the Chief Executive Officer of MDOT or his designated representative.3. "District" means any one of six subdivisions of MDOT responsible for construction and maintenance activities in a defined geographical area.4. "MDOT Program Administrator" means that person assigned by MDOT to oversee and coordinate Contractor's or MDOT Personnel's activity.5. "Logo Sign Program" is a simplified expression for the Specific Service Sign Program as outlined in the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. It may also be identified as the "Program".6. "Eligible Highways" means those sections of controlled access highways determined by MDOT to be eligible for the Logo Sign Program.7. "Eligible Interchange" or "Interchange" means those interchanges or intersections within the eligible sections of highways where the Logo Sign Program may be provided.8. "Qualified Business" means those facilities providing "GAS", "FOOD", "LODGING", "CAMPING", AND "ATTRACTION" services that meet the eligibility criteria defined in this rule.9. "Specific Service Sign" means a background panel with border and copy upon which one (1) or more separate business signs may be attached and are located adjacent to the mainline and exit ramps of the eligible highway.10. "Business Sign" means a sign mounted on the Specific Service Sign showing the name, symbol, trademark, or combination thereof for a type service available at an interchange.11. "Trailblazer" means a business sign with appropriate directional arrows mounted along the route leading from the interchange to the business for traffic direction purposes.12. "Site Plan" will be the means of documenting the construction, maintenance, refurbishing, and sight clearing to be performed by Contractor or MDOT Personnel on or for specific service signs within highway right-of-way as well as the means of obtaining approval of such work from the MDOT Program Administrator.13. "As-Built Plans" are detailed plans showing the configuration and location of specific service signs and trailblazer signs after the initial construction is completed on an interchange-by-interchange basis.14. "Visible" means the location of the business can be readily identified by traffic approaching the termini of the highway exit ramp serving the business or approaching an intersection along the route from the exit ramp to the business.15. "Contractor" means that person, firm, or organization selected by MDOT for the purpose of administering, marketing, construction, refurbishing, and maintaining the existing and future Specific Service Sign Program in Mississippi.16. "Blanket Authority" will be the means by which Contractor will obtain approval from the MDOT Program Administrator to install, reposition, or remove business signs and to repair specific service background panel signs.17. "Traffic Control Plan" will be the method and means of informing, directing, and regulating traffic when various construction or maintenance activities are being performed on highway right-of-way by Contractor, or MDOT Personnel.18. "MDOT District Inspector" means that District person assigned the responsibility of assisting the MDOT Program Administrator in administering the Logo Sign Program.37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-7601-00800-201