37 Miss. Code R. § 1-7601-00800-800

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 37-1-7601-00800-800 - General
1.Existing System Specific service signs, business signs, and trailblazer signs in place and scheduled for installation, replacement, or maintenance shall continue to be the responsibility of MDOT or MDOT's Contractor after execution of the Contract. All logo program signs, except business signs, shall remain or become the property of MDOT. MDOT's approval of the construction shall constitute transfer of ownership of new signs and supports to MDOT. MDOT's Contractor shall not own any sign systems within MDOT right-of-way.
2.New Sign Construction Marketing efforts required of MDOT or MDOT's Contractor, new location availabilities and the allowance of Attraction signs, will require new signs to be installed and possible modifications or removal of existing signs. It is the responsibility of MDOT or MDOT's Contractor to perform necessary business and sign inventories and integrate new sign construction or modifications into the Logo Sign Inventory.
3.Inventory MDOT maintains records of specific service signs and business signs; however, it is MDOT's Contractor's responsibility to develop a field inventory of all existing signs showing location, size, and type of signs in place at or prior to the time of contract execution. This basic information is required to determine necessary sign modification, addition, or replacement required as a result of the marketing process. MDOT's Contractor shall maintain and update said inventory on a regular basis each quarter.
4.Sight Clearing
a. All existing, modified, or added specific service signs or trailblazer locations shall be cleared or provided to allow full view by an approaching motorist of total sign surfaces at the distances shown below:
b. MDOT or MDOT's Contractor shall flag the trees to be cut prior to submitting a site plan. An approved site plan shall be obtained from the MDOT Program Administrator prior to performing any tree, limb, brush, vegetation, or any other clearing operations. Under NO circumstances shall MDOT or MDOT's Contractor cut, trim, or alter in any form magnolia trees that exist on state right-of-way.
c. Because MDOT's Contractor will pay MDOT for the marketable timber cut in accordance with an approved site plan, the MDOT Program Administrator will initiate a cruise of said timber. Upon receipt of the cruise document(s), the MDOT Program Administrator shall submit the cruise document(s) to MDOT's Contractor for payment. MDOT's Contractor shall make the check payable to the MDOT Program Administrator. Approval of the site plan by the MDOT Program Administrator will be contingent upon receipt of payment for the marketable timber.
d. It will be the responsibility of MDOT's Contractor to dispose of the vegetation cut or trimmed in accordance with an approved site plan. The right-of-way shall be cleared of the vegetation and all stumps cut flush with the surrounding surface. MDOT's Contractor shall strictly adhere to the approved traffic control plan for such operations.
5.Site Plans Prior to beginning any construction or maintenance operation, site plans for proposed construction or maintenance shall be developed and submitted for approval as directed by MDOT. The site plans shall be developed by interchange for each mainline approach, exit ramp, and loop or crossroads where trailblazer signs are required. The plans may be line drawings not to scale contained on 8-1/2" x 11" sheets. The following information is to be provided as a minimum:
a. A line drawing, showing the mainline approach and exit ramp and loop (if applicable) with sufficient space to show symbols for location of proposed and existing pertinent signs.
b. Relative location of all existing and proposed signs.
c. Distances from and to all existing non-specific service signs and proposed logo program signs.
d. Offset from edge of pavement to near edge of proposed program signs.
e. Size and type of existing and proposed logo program signs.
f. A title block including space for MDOT approval.
g. A line drawing showing the trailblazer signs and location required for businesses on that interchange approach's specific service signs.
h. Site clearing to be performed.
i. General notes required by MDOT. All work associated with an approved site plan must be accomplished by MDOT's Contractor within ninety (90) days of approval by the MDOT Program Administrator.
6.Blanket Authority
a. Immediately following the execution of the contract between MDOT's Contractor AND MDOT, MDOT's Contractor shall request the MDOT Program Administrator to furnish MDOT's Contractor a blanket authority to perform such work as inventories, sign location staking, cross sectioning for support lengths, and installing, removing, or replacing business signs. The blanket authority shall include specific requirements and restrictions in addition to approved traffic control plans.
b. Regardless of the work to be performed under a blanket authority or site plan, MDOT's Contractor shall advise the MDOT Program Administrator and/or the appropriate MDOT District Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to beginning work on the state right-of-way. In cases of emergencies, MDOT will forego the twenty-four (24) hour prior notification requirements; however, this does not relieve MDOT's Contractor from contacting the appropriate MDOT personnel as soon as possible.
7.Traffic Control
a. Traffic control plans shall be developed by MDOT's Contractor for each preconstruction, construction, and maintenance activity, and submitted to the MDOT Program Administrator for approval. These plans shall show signs, channelizing devices, flashing lights, etc., as required for operations on and off the shoulder of the mainline approaches, ramp and loop approaches, and trailblazer location (generally two-lane and two-way).
b. All operations requiring different traffic control shall be identified by MDOT's Contractor and specific traffic control plans developed for MDOT approval. MDOT's Contractor shall obtain input and MDOT approval for traffic control devices required for preconstruction operations.
8.Sign Support Sizes The size of steel beams utilized for support of mainline and ramp specific information signs shall be determined by MDOT or MDOT's Contractor utilizing the design process provided by the MDOT Program Administrator. Calculations for each sign support shall be kept on record for review by MDOT as required.
9.As-Built Plans MDOT's Contractor shall provide the MDOT Program Administrator two (2) sets of as-built plans within ninety (90) days of completion of interchanges. These plans may consist of site plans corrected to show actual sign locations and types.

37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-7601-00800-800