37 Miss. Code R. § 1-7501-04015-600

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 37-1-7501-04015-600 - Permissible Locations

It is preferred that utility pipelines be located outside construction limits and as near the right of way line as feasible. Wide cut sections and and other improvements planned for the highway should be considered when locating the pipeline. In special cases, water line crossings may be attached to bridges when the applicant shows just cause as outlined in Rule 941-7501-06001, Accommodation of Utilities on Freeway Rights of Way, Section 2, Paragraphs A, B, C and D and the water line installation will not damage the bridge or interfere with traffic or maintenance of the bridge. Where permitted, such water lines will be placed well outside bridge abutment fills and may be attached to intermediate bents or piers after approaching same underground from the parallel location of the line. The method of attachment will be shown in detailed drawings on the application and must be approved by the Bridge Engineer. The installation will be of durable materials and designed to be as maintenance free as is feasible. In some instances narrow right of way widths or conflicts with other utilities may require a location within construction limits and such location required special measures to be taken by the applicant for prevention of erosion as directed by the District Engineer. In municipal or other built-up sections there may not be enough unpaved area in which to locate parallel pipelines. These instances will be treated as special cases, each according to its merits. They should be fully documented and referred to the State Maintenance Engineer for disposition.

37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-7501-04015-600

Amended 9/27/2015
Amended 5/27/2021