37 Miss. Code R. § 1-7501-04013-700

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 37-1-7501-04013-700

Applications for driveway connections to Interstate and other controlled access highways will only be approved to connect with existing frontage roads. Driveway applications will not be approved where frontage roads do not exist, nor will they be approved on intersecting roads or streets where the proposed driveway location is within the no access' limits. Applications for driveway connections on such roads or streets are to show the location of the proposed driveway with reference to the no access' limits where same are in close proximity. The regulations for driveway connections to conventional highways and frontage roads beginning on Page 2 of this Rule and the MDOT Access Management Manual will also apply to driveway connections to frontage roads on the Interstate and other Freeways.

37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-7501-04013-700