37 Miss. Code R. § 1-7501-04013-501

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 37-1-7501-04013-501

The location, design and construction of driveways described in the application shall be in accordance with the Access Management Manual, Section 3, Levels of Access for Type 3 Conventional Highways and as stated below:

1. No more than two (2) combined driveway entrances and exits shall be permitted for any parcel of property which has a frontage of three hundred (300) feet or less. Additional entrances or exits for parcels having a frontage in excess of three hundred (300) feet shall be permitted only if an additional entrance would create a safer condition. Additional entrances or exits must be reviewed and recommended by the State Traffic Engineer and approved by the State Maintenance Engineer or the District Engineer as applicable. Where frontage is fifty (50) feet or less, only one (1) combined entrance and exit is permitted, the width of which shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet measured parallel to the centerline of the highway.
2. The width of any driveway entrance or combined entrance and exit, except as restricted above shall not exceed fifty (50) feet measured parallel to the centerline of the highway. Areas on the right of way between driveways shall not be used for vehicular travel or parking. These areas shall be considered as restricted areas or neutral areas, and may be graded or filled in only as hereinafter provided in SECTION 502 below.
3. The grade of the driveway entrance and exit shall follow the shoulder slope for a distance equal to the width of the shoulder or ten (10) feet from the pavement edge, whichever is greater, and then continue on a 2% to 4% slope downward and away from the roadway to a point twenty (20) feet from the pavement edge. The driveway slope shall then continue on a slope not to exceed 15% until it connects with the original ground line. When field conditions are such that a steeper driveway is required due to restricted right of way, the driveway profile may be increased to 20% maximum.
4. The construction of parking areas on the highway right of way is specifically prohibited. Businesses requiring parking space for their customers shall provide such space off the highway right of way.
5. Sections of driveway entrances and exits constructed parallel to the highway for access to gasoline pumps or other structures shall be constructed off the right of way. Such pumps and other structures requiring parallel driveways are to be located a minimum distance of twelve (12) feet, with fifteen (15) feet recommended to the edge of the pump island, outside the right of way in order that the parallel section of the driveway shall not encroach upon the right of way.
6. When curb and gutter is constructed or removed and reconstructed, the driveway entrance and exit shall be constructed or reconstructed of equivalent or other acceptable material, and the curbing along the entrance and exit shall be returned to the roadway on a radius as shown on MDOT Roadway Standard Drawing SD-1. Minimum Turning Radii shall conform to the most current version of the MDOT Roadway Design Manual, Chapter 6. The grade of entrances and exits shall conform to the grade of sidewalks, if any, and a neat junction between the apron of the entrances, exits, and the sidewalk shall be made. Where such new entrance or exit will cause heavy vehicular traffic or frequent light vehicular traffic to cross a sidewalk designed for pedestrian traffic only and will not withstand the expected vehicular traffic, the permit application will include removal and replacement of the inadequate sidewalk. The new sidewalk and the portion of the driveway where the new sidewalk extends across the driveway shall conform to the requirements of the current edition of the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). Transitions between the sidewalk and the driveway surface and the slope and cross-slope of the driveway crossed by the sidewalk are of particular importance.
7. All driveway entrances and exits shall be so constructed that vehicles approaching or using them will have adequate stopping sight distance in accordance with the current edition, and any interim requirements, of the MDOT Roadway Design Manual - 3R criteria in both directions along the highway in order that the driver may enter or leave the highway without unduly interfering with highway traffic. Any driveway application that does not provide adequate sight distance as outlined in the above listed design manual shall be denied. In order to provide adequate stopping sight distance in both directions when entering the highway, driveway entrances and exits should be at a 90 degree angle. Angles less than 90 degrees should not be constructed unless justified by an engineering analysis and in no case shall be less than 60 degrees with the highway. For further guidance, reference the Access Management Manual, Section 4.
8. Corner clearance is the distance between an intersection and the first point of ingress or egress to a corner property's driveway. The purpose of corner clearance is to remove conflicting movements from the functional area of intersections and provide sufficient stacking space for queued vehicles at intersections so that the driveways are not blocked. No driveway will be permitted to enter directly into an intersection. Driveways must turn traffic into the traffic stream of the highway and/or intersecting road or street before it is permitted to pass through the intersection. Unless an exception is granted, the minimum corner clearance for entrances on TYPE 2 and TYPE 3 Roads will be established by a queuing analysis or 125 feet for unsignalized intersections and 125 feet for signalized intersections whichever is larger. If an exception is requested and approved at an intersection where no provision has been made for sight distance or clear vision areas (flared right of way), no part of a driveway entrance or exit may be permitted to connect with either the highway or crossroad or street within 50 feet from the outside shoulder line of the adjacent street and the access will be a right-in/right-out. Exceptions may be approved if as a result of MDOT action the property would become landlocked. No part of a driveway entrance or exit may be permitted within a corner radius.
9. No part of a driveway entrance or exit may be permitted to encroach upon additional right of way secured outside the continuation of the normal right of way lines for the purpose of channeling traffic or to provide adequate sight distance or clear vision for intersecting traffic. The driveway return will begin at a point no nearer such additional right of way than its point of intersection with the normal right of way line of the highway and its intersection with the normal right of way line of the crossroads or street. These areas described here and in SECTION 501.8 above shall be restricted areas and may be graded or filled in only as hereinafter permitted in SECTION 502 below.
10. At some intersections additional right of way has been secured for construction purposes and not for channeling traffic or for sight distance. The project plans should be checked to determine the reason for purchase of such additional right of way. Driveway entrances and exits complying with all other requirements may encroach into the additional area purchased for construction purposes, but they may not be permitted to encroach into any part of the additional right of way purchased for channeling traffic or purchased for or necessary for sight distance or clear vision for intersecting traffic. The denial of vehicular ingress and egress across sight distance or clear vision areas on the older projects is based upon the regulatory powers of the Commission in connection with traffic safety. Additionally, on the newer projects, the plans may show the erection of traffic barriers along the outer limits of additional right of way purchased for sight distance or clear vision areas, which is considered sufficient notice to the property owner of the conditions under which the right of way was purchased.
11. The minimum driveway spacing shall be determined based Section 3 and Appendix 4 of the MDOT Access Management Manual.
12. SECTIONS 501.8, 501.9, and 501.10 above and the MDOT Access Management Manual will also apply at frontage road intersections with other roads and streets.

37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-7501-04013-501