37 Miss. Code R. § 1-7501-04002-401

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 37-1-7501-04002-401 - Driveways for Large Traffic Generator Developments
1. Applications for permits to construct driveways to a shopping center, mall and/or center, subdivision, factory, industrial or commercial facility and/or any other large traffic generator meeting traffic volume thresholds as defined in the MDOT Access Management Manual shall require a Traffic Impact Analysis prior to the issuance of the initial permit for access in order to determine the location, number, design, etc. of the driveway connections to be allowed presently and in the future for the entire development area.
2. The Department, through its Access Management Manual and policies, will make every effort to control the number of driveways to any large development, including outparcels, in order to eliminate unwarranted conflict points between vehicles, reduce congestion and delays, and to maintain an acceptable level of service on the highway. When discussions are held between district personnel and a developer, the developer will be advised of the Department's Access Management Manual and policy to provide adequate ingress/egress between the overall development and highway and that ingress/egress from outparcels to the highway shall be accomplished by utilizing the internal circulation of the development and development's driveways. The selling or leasing of outparcels within the limits of the development to third parties shall in no way expand the number of driveways as provided in the initial application for permits. Temporary permitted driveways may be allowed for outparcels that are developed prior to the construction of the permanent permitted driveways to the overall development, but such temporary permitted driveways shall be removed by the applicant or present owner at their own expense, and not at the Department's expense, when the permanent permitted driveways are opened to traffic.
3. The District will inform the developer that the following note will be made a part of the driveway permit:

"Ingress and/or egress to the adjacent right of way along the ______side of ______ between station number ________and ________ of Project Number _______shall be provided at station number(s) ______. No additional ingress and/or egress shall be allowed between station numbers _________and _________."

4. All applicants shall make application for a permit on the following permit forms, as applicable:
A. Form MND-001 "Application For Permit to Construct Driveway With Connection To State Highway And Agreement Of Applicant Given In Consideration Of Such Permit" (Must be letter size paper-8.5 x 11)
B. Form MND-005 "supplement to Forms MND-001, MND-002 and MND-004" (Must be legal size paper- 8.5 x 14 or half scale-11 x 17)
C. Form MND-603 "Performance Bond" (If required by the District Engineer, must be letter size paper-8.5 x 11)
5. If such access to the above-described developments are of such magnitude that the potential exists for future traffic handling facilities such as additional traffic control devices and/or geometric improvements, a study shall be made prior to approval of the initial permit and reviewed by the State Traffic Engineer in order to determine if such should be added to the permit or a stipulation added to the permit assigning to the developer, or in his absence the local jurisdiction, the responsibility of providing these traffic handling facilities in accordance with the Mississippi Standards and Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (Current Edition), Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), Current Edition, and MDOT Roadway Design Manual, Current Edition and MDOT Access Management Manual, Current Edition. This latter case would require a separate permit at that time.
6. If revisions to the existing traffic control and geometrics are requested by a permit application based upon traffic conditions not anticipated at the time of the initial permit is approved, the applicant shall submit the permit application and supportive data for review by the State Traffic Engineer. Any revisions shall be at the discretion of the Department to preserve the capacity and safety of the relevant section of highway.

37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-7501-04002-401

Amended 5/27/2021