37 Miss. Code R. § 1-7501-04002-302

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 37-1-7501-04002-302


1. Type 2A-Highways or sections thereof designated by the Commission as TYPE 2A may have frontage roads constructed on one or both sides of the highway. Right of way may be provided for future construction of frontage roads on one or both sides of the highway. Until such frontage road or roads are constructed, vehicular access from abutting property directly to and from through traffic lanes may be permitted in the same manner as for conventional highways unless the right of access was purchased with the right of way. Upon construction of the frontage roads, vehicular access from abutting property shall be permitted into the frontage road only and then is brought into the traffic lanes over intersecting streets or highways or over approved connections of the frontage road with the through traffic lanes. The right of way of TYPE 2A highways may be used for the construction and maintenance of utility lines and other approved installations in accordance with the Department's Rules.
2. Type 2B-On highways or sections thereof designated by the Commission as TYPE 2B, vehicular travel from and to the through traffic lanes is permitted only at established entrances and exits. The abutter's access rights between such entrances and exits have been or are to be purchased with the right of way. Right of way purchased for access control from the abutting property may be used for the construction and maintenance of utility lines; however, such construction and maintenance must be accomplished without vehicular travel from and to the through traffic lanes or ramps and must comply with the Department's Rules.

37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-7501-04002-302

Amended 5/27/2021