Solid waste collection stations may be located upon state highway rights of way in accordance with the following requirements:
I, (we) the owners of the property abutting the highway right of way on which this collection station is located agree to the location as shown and understand that this agreement becomes a part of the approved permit.
Owner: ____________________ Signed: __________________________ Witness: ___________________ Signed: __________________________
The statement is to be signed by the fee simple owner or owners of record and leaseholders, if any, and if the abutting property is a homestead, the spouse and/or heirs will sign. The statement shall be notarized and witnessed.
As a condition for the approval of this permit the applicant shall comply with the following:
REFERENCES (All references herein to other materials are as to the most current version of that particular document.)
37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-7501-03008-102