35 Miss. Code. R. 5-07-01-105

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 35-5-07-01-105 - Procedure for Closing Gaming Tables
1. At the end of each day, or after each shift if the drop boxes are collected by shift, or whenever gaming activity at a table is concluded, the gaming chips remaining at the gaming table shall be counted by the dealer or boxman assigned to the gaming table and observed by a casino supervisor, or his assistant, assigned to the gaming table.
2. The gaming chips counted shall be recorded on a table inventory slip by the casino supervisor or his assistant assigned to the gaming table.
3. The table inventory slip shall be a three-part form and on the original copy of the slip ("closer") and the duplicate of the slip ("opener"), the casino supervisor shall record the date and identification of the shift ended, the game and table number, the total value of each denomination of gaming chips remaining at the gaming table, and the total value of all denominations of gaming chips remaining at the gaming table.
4. Signatures attesting to the accuracy of the information recorded on the table inventory slips at the time of the shift's end shall be the outgoing supervisor and the incoming supervisor or his assistant assigned to the gaming table who count the contents of the table inventory. All signatures shall include the work permit numbers.
5. The original closer shall be deposited by the dealer in the drop box attached to the gaming table immediately prior to the closing of the table, the first copy shall be deposited in the oncoming drop box, and the second copy opener shall be forwarded to the accounting department for later verification. The gaming chips remaining at the table shall be placed in a container which shall then be locked if the table is closed.
6. The accounting department shall be responsible for daily verification of the opener with the closer of the preceding day. Any discrepancy must be immediately reported to the licensee who shall investigate and take any appropriate action.

35 Miss. Code. R. 5-07-01-105