35 Miss. Code. R. 5-05-04-100

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 35-5-05-04-100

This regulation prescribes the minimum standards for adoption by each licensee for the operation of keno at the gaming establishment.

1. The keno write and desk area is restricted to specified personnel.
2. Keno balls in use are to be safeguarded to prevent tampering. Effective procedures are to be established for inspecting new keno balls put into play as well as for those being used.
3. Procedures are to be established for locking out or closing down all ticket writing/filming and timing mechanisms while keno balls are being selected.
4. There are to be safeguards over electronic equipment to prevent access and/or tampering.
5. The keys to the master panel which access the electronic equipment and wiring, keys to the writer machines, keys to the locked boxes which contain written duplicate keno tickets (if writer machines are utilized) and the keys to microfilm equipment shall be maintained and controlled by personnel from the accounting department or cashiers cage who are independent of the keno department.
6. The person controlling inside keno tickets shall be precluded from having access to cash proceeds and from writing tickets unless procedures have been established for regrading all winning tickets written by the desk person using a writer station designated for use solely by him.
7. Both the inside (ticket presented by customer for play) and outside (receipt ticket given customer by keno writer) keno tickets are stamped with the date, ticket sequence number, and game number (outside ticket only).
8. There are to be controls over inside keno tickets after preparation and before they are transferred to personnel performing the keno audit function.
9. There are to be controls to prevent the writing of tickets after a game has been closed.
10. A camera shall be utilized to film the empty "rabbit ears," time, date and game number prior to the calling of a game.
11. Properly identified draw tickets are to be punched as numbers are drawn.
12. A camera shall be utilized to film the full "rabbit ears" (balls drawn), time, date and game number after all balls are drawn.
13. The camera will continuously film the rabbit ears or is to be controlled by master control switches.
14. All winning tickets are to be compared with the draw ticket by writer before being paid.
15. Payouts of $25 or more are to be verified by actual examination of the inside tickets.
16. Wins of $500 or more also require approval of supervisory personnel before being paid.
a. Any wins of $2,500 or more will require, not only the approval of management personnel independent of the keno department, but also the following: the development of film of the "rabbit ears" prior to and after the game is called to determine that the same numbers called were not left up from the prior game, the comparison of developed film ("rabbit ears") to the draw ticket, the comparison of the winning ticket presented for payment and the inside ticket to the restricted copy (carbon copy contained in keno writing machine or to developed film of ticket, etc.), and the regrading of the winning ticket.
b. These procedures must be documented for later verification and reconciliation during the keno audit process.
17. A summary report of the keno operation (count sheet) is to be prepared at the end of every shift and shall include the computation of net cash proceeds for the shift, and signatures in ink of two employees who have verified the net cash proceeds for the shift.
18. All original tickets (inside ticket) and all duplicate winning tickets (outside ticket) for every game are to be transmitted from the keno floor to independent personnel for audit and verification on a timely basis.
19. The accounting department or someone else, who is independent of the keno writer and desk person, will calculate and indicate in a summary report the total "write" by game and shift, total "payout" by game and shift, and the "win/loss" by game and shift.
20. All copies of all keno tickets will be maintained for at least thirty days. All copies of winning keno tickets greater than or equal to $1,500 will be maintained for at least three years. The copy may be maintained in the form of a copy made from the microfilm, videotape, etc.
21. The accounting department shall perform the various audit functions of keno and shall include verification on a sample basis at least once a week of the total "write" by writer and shift (from inside tickets for microfilm or videotape system or from locked box copies for a writing machine system), the total "payout" by writer and shift, and the "win/loss" by writer and shift.
22. The keno receipts (net cash proceeds) are to be compared with the audit summary. Any cash variances in excess of $25 will be noted in the above comparison and are to be investigated on a timely basis.
a. On a sample basis (at least one race per shift or ten races per week), the accounting department shall regrade winning tickets to verify the accuracy of payouts and compare winning tickets (inside and outside) to restricted copies (locked box copy, developed microfilm, videotape, etc.) for all levels of payout authorization, review winning documentation, review smaller winning tickets for proper authorization and evidence of payment, review sequential numbering on restricted write tickets (locked box copy) or foot restricted write tickets (developed film) to insure that tickets have not been destroyed, and review restricted copies (locked box copy) for blank tickets and proper voiding of voids.
b. Any exceptions discovered must be documented.
24. The licensee is to maintain statistics on the comparison of win to write (handle) by month-to-date and year-to-date. The statistics are to be presented to and reviewed by management at least on a monthly basis.

35 Miss. Code. R. 5-05-04-100