35 Miss. Code. R. 5-05-01-104

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 35-5-05-01-104

Before adding or eliminating a counter game, eliminating all table games, adding a table game at a gaming establishment not offering table games, adding any computerized system that affects the proper reporting of gross revenue, adding any computerized system for monitoring slot machines or other games, or any other computerized associated equipment, the licensee must:

1. Amend its accounting and administrative procedures and its written system of internal control to comply with the stated requirements;
2. Submit to the MSTC a copy of the procedures and written system as amended, and a written description of the amendments signed by the licensee's chief financial officer and either the licensee's chief executive officer or a licensed owner;
3. Comply with any written requirements imposed by the Chairman regarding administrative approval of computerized associated equipment; and
4. After paragraphs (a) through (c) have been complied with, implement the procedures and written system as amended.

35 Miss. Code. R. 5-05-01-104