35 Miss. Code. R. 4-09-02-206

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 35-4-09-02-206

Food service companies who operate restaurants or cafeterias are to include any underwriting, management or other fees paid by the client. Clients, who underwrite or discount meals to their employees and for whom the food service company serves as an agent for food service operations, may obtain a business license for the food service operation and pay the regular retail sales tax on the greater of (a) the meal charges to employees or (b) the cost to the employer of all purchases utilized in the food service operation, with employer costs for food preparation or food service management being expressly excluded from the computation of purchases. This sales tax treatment shall apply regardless of who is the food service operator as long as an agency relationship exists between the client/employers and the food service operator.

35 Miss. Code. R. 4-09-02-206

Amended 11/12/2017