35 Miss. Code. R. 4-09-01-107

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 35-4-09-01-107

Purchases by bottlers of raw materials (carbon dioxide gas, syrups, acids, flavoring, water softeners) which become components of drinks are exempt from sales or use tax. Purchases of containers, packaging and shipping materials to accompany goods sold (bottles, cans, crowns, cartons, cases) are likewise exempt from sales and use tax. Electric power or other fuel, bottling machinery and machinery parts used directly in the bottling process are taxable at the special 11/2% rate of tax. Purchases of cleaning materials and supplies (acid for cleaning soakers, anhydrous ammonia and refrigerants, calcium chloride, caustic soda, soaps, sulfuric acid, chlorine and disinfectants, stationery, etc.) are taxable at the regular retail rate of tax. Purchases of all other equipment and supplies (advertising and sales promotion materials, signs, case conveyors, coolers and parts, hand trucks, lift trucks, skids, uniforms, vending machines etc.) are likewise taxable at the regular retail rate of tax.

35 Miss. Code. R. 4-09-01-107