35 Miss. Code. R. 3-07-01-102

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 35-3-07-01-102

An individual who maintains a home, apartment or other place of abode in Mississippi, or who exercises the rights of citizenship in Mississippi by meeting the requirements as a voter or who enjoys the benefits of homestead exemption, is a legal resident of the State of Mississippi and remains a resident although temporarily absent from the state for varying intervals of time. A person may, therefore, be living without Mississippi and still be a legal resident of Mississippi for tax purposes. If an individual establishes the status of a legal resident of Mississippi, he retains that status until such time as such individual takes positive action to establish legal residence in some other state or country and relinquishes his rights and privileges of residency in Mississippi.

35 Miss. Code. R. 3-07-01-102