Current through January 14, 2025
Tax-exempt interest includes, but is not limited to, interest earned on obligations from the following agencies, organizations or associations:
2. Government of American Samoa 4. Government of Puerto Rico 5. Government of Virgin Islands 6. Government of Northern Mariana Islands 8. Commodity Credit Corporation 10. Farm Credit System Insurance Corporations 11. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 12. Federal Financing Bank 13. Federal Home Loan Banks 14. Federal Intermediate Credit Banks 15. Federal Land Bank Associations 16. Financial Assistance Corporation 17. Financing Corporation 18. General Services Administration (GSA) 19. Housing and Urban Development - General Insurance Fund i. Armed Services Mortgage Insuranceii. Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund iii. National Defense Housing Insurance iv. Rental Housing Insurance20. National Credit Union Administration Central Liquidity Facility 21. Production Credit Association 22. Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie Mae) 23. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) 24. United States Postal Service 35 Miss. Code. R. 3-02-04-109