35 Miss. Code R. § 2-02-13-109

Current through June 25, 2024
Section 35-2-02-13-109

Package retailers may consume samples of alcoholic beverages on their licensed premises only if all applicable regulatory requirements in the Chapter are met. Any such samples provided by manufacturers or manufacturers' representative for this sampling may not be distributed to, sold to or given away to customers. Only the package retailer permit owner and approved managers may consume sample alcoholic beverages on the premises and only during legal hours in an area removed from the general public. The manufacturer's representative must be present during the sampling. The manufacturer's representative must remove all unconsumed samples but may offer such alcoholic beverages as samples at other permitted locations in compliance with these regulations. On-duty managers and employees are strictly prohibited from sampling alcoholic beverages.

35 Miss. Code. R. § 2-02-13-109

Amended 8/3/2019