35 Miss. Code. R. 11-3-100

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 35-11-3-100

The main point of entry to a dispensary cannot be located within 1,000 feet of the nearest property boundary line of any school, church or child care facility unless the dispensary applicant is able to obtain a waiver from the school, church or child care facility. Regardless of the waiver, a dispensary may not be located within 500 feet of any school, church or child care facility property boundary line. The property boundary line to be considered is the parcel of land on which a school, church or child care facility is located. It does not include parcels of land owned by a school, church or child care facility but on which such a facility is not located.

35 Miss. Code. R. 11-3-100

Adopted 7/1/2022