35 Miss. Code. R. 101-3.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 35-101-3.2 - Membership of the Board, Presiding Member and Quorum
A. The Board consists of three (3) members: one (1) chairman and two (2) associate members. Members are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Mississippi Senate for staggered six (6) year terms.
B. The member appointed and confirmed as Chairman of the Board shall, when present, preside over the meetings and hearings of the Board. In the Chairman's absence, the associate board member having the longest continuous tenure on the Board shall preside.
C. Any two (2) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Formal adoption of the decision of the Board in regard to any administrative appeal requires the presence of a quorum.

35 Miss. Code. R. 101-3.2

Miss. Code Ann. § 27-4-3(l)(a)(Rev. 2010)