35 Miss. Code. R. 1-04-205

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 35-1-04-205

The Department requires taxpayers subject to the following taxes to file tax returns, related documents, and any corresponding tax payments by TAP:

1. 911 Emergency Fee
2. Beer Excise
3. City Utility
4. Compressed Gas and Decals
5. County Sales and Use (Casual Auto and Use Tax Collected by County)
6. Environmental Protection Fee
7. Gaming
8. Gas and Fuel Users
9. Gas Severance
10. Gasoline
11. International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) (if more than ten (10) jurisdictions or power units)
12. Insurance Premium
13. International Registration Plan (IRP) (if more than ten (10) jurisdictions or power units)
14. Lubricating Oil
15. Motor Vehicle Rental
16. Motorcycle ATV Trauma Care
17. Municipal Gas Utility Regulatory
18. Nuclear in Lieu
19. Occupancy
20. Oil Severance
21. Prepaid Wireless E911
22. Public Utility Regulatory
23. Railcar In Lieu
24. Railroad Regulatory
25. Seawall
26. Special Fuel
27. Statewide Privilege
28. Tire Disposal
29. Tobacco Excise and Stamps
30. TVA In Lieu
31. Wage or Withholding Information Returns with ten (10) or more W-2s or 1099s
32. Waste Disposal Fee (Hazardous and Non-Hazardous)

35 Miss. Code. R. 1-04-205

Adopted 12/23/2024