33 Miss. Code. R. 9-V

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 33-9-V - Set-Aside Activities

The SDWA allows each state to set-aside up to 31 percent of its federal Cap grant to support non-project-related drinking water programs which includes administration of the loan program, technical assistance to public water systems, state program management, and other special activities. The state plans to use $2,174,080 of the FFY-2017 Federal Capitalization grant to support the non-project-related drinking water programs activities. These non-project-related programs will be operated by MSDH within the agency itself or through contracts with other agencies or organizations. Contracts between the MSDH and other agencies or organizations will be approved by the Board. Work plans showing how the set-asides funds will be expended are included as appendices within this IUP; additionally, progress reports will be included in the Annual Report. The state has elected not to take any additional set-asides from the FFY-2017 Local Assistance and Other State Programs set-aside, but reserves the right to make revisions to utilize additional funds from this set-aside. The amount of funds used from the FFY-2017 Cap Grant-Local Assistance and Other State Programs assistance set-aside will be $750,000 (8.79%).


The SDWA-DWSRF amendments in the 2017 Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act ( Pub. L. 114-332) (2017 WIIN Act - EPA memorandum dated June 6, 2017) states that the "Administrative" amount used may be the greater of $400,000 or 4% of the Cap Grant amount. The State plans to use $400,000 for "Administrative" purposes since it is greater than 4% of the FFY2017 Cap Grant. Costs beyond this amount will be paid from the funds generated by the 5% administrative fee taken from loan repayments. This change will increase the total set-aside amount taken from the FFY-2017.

The state will continue to exercise its right to reserve the Administrative amounts from previous Cap Grants; the FFY-2008 Capitalization Grant ($325,840), the remaining balance of the FFY-2010 Cap Grant ($282,500), the FFY-2011 Cap Grant ($392,080), the FFY-2014 Cap Grant ($366,360), the FFY-2015 Cap Grant ($363,960) and the FFY-2016 Cap Grant ($344,280). These amounts may be taken from future capitalization grants for administration of the Program if needed. Reserving previous years' 4% administrative set-aside will ensure that the Program will continue to operate with an adequate DWSIRLF staff for proper management of the Program. The reserved set-aside amounts are based on the original capitalization grants awarded during those previous fiscal years.

B.Small System Technical Assistance

Standard Capitalization Grant

The state will use the Small Systems Technical Assistance (2%) set-aside from the FFY-2017 Cap Grant ($170,680) to provide technical assistance to public water systems serving areas with populations of 10,000 or less. With approval by the Board, the state intends to use this set-aside to fund contracts for the following activities: Special Technical Assistance to Referred Systems; Board Management Training for Water System Officials; On-Site Technical Assistance; PEER Review Program; and Hands-on Operator Training. Each of these activities is described in detail in the State of Mississippi's Small Systems Technical Assistance Set-Aside Work Plan included as Appendix F to this IUP.

C.State Program Management

Standard Capitalization Grant

The state intends to use the full 10% set-aside from the FFY-2017 Cap grant ($853,400), as authorized by Section 1452(g)(2) of the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1996 for State Program Management. The funds will be used for Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) activities conducted under Section 1443(a) of the Act. These activities are described in more detail in the State of Mississippi's State Program Management Set-aside Annual Work Plan included as Appendix G to this IUP.

The SDWA-DWSRF amendments in the 2017 Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act ( Pub. L. 114-332) (2017 WIIN Act - EPA memorandum dated June 6, 2017) removed the requirement for the State 1:1 match for the 10% State Program Management set-aside.

D. Local Assistance and Other State Programs

The state intends to use $750,000 (8.71%) of the 15% set-aside amount which is allowed from the FFY-2017 Cap grant to provide funding for wellhead protection projects throughout the state. These funds will be used to properly abandon inactive wells that pose a risk to existing active public water supply source water wells, as well as the environment.

33 Miss. Code. R. 9-V

Adopted 10/22/2017