Miss. Code. tit. 33, pt. 8, Appendices, app 33-8-A

Current through January 14, 2025
Appendix 33-8-A - Reference Notes

Part 1A - FFY-2017 Beginning of the Year Anticipated Funds Report for the Mississippi Drinking Water Improvements Revolving Loan Fund (DWSIRLF) Program

Part 2A - FFY-2016 End-of Year Funds Report for the Mississippi Drinking Water Improvements Revolving Loan Fund (DWSIRLF) Program

* Mississippi will apply for the entire FFY- 2017.Cap Grant if State match funds are provided by the Legislature Cap Grant funds must be matched within 24 months of award.

* Mississippi applied for the entire FFY-2016 Cap Grant (All Cap Grant Funds were awarded).

During the 2015 Regular Legislative Session, the State Legislature (House Bill No. 1555) authorized $1,200,000 in direct funding for the DWSRF program; however, in July 2015 due to a shortfall in State funds the authorized $1,200,000 was reduced by $99,520.00 to $1,100,479.80. In January 2016, due to a continuing shortfall in State revenue the Governor mandated an additional $18,000 be reduced from the State match funds authorized by the 2015 Legislature, this reduced the authorized State match to $1,082,479.80. In March 2016, $35,509.77 was returned to the State match funds; in April 2016 an additional $5,180.00 was removed from the State match funds; then in May 2016 $64,010.43 was returned to the State match funds. With all the removals and returns the final amount provided by the 2015 State Legislature was $1,176,820.00.

In September 2015, EPA reduced the amount of the FFY-2015 Federal Cap Grant to $9,099,000 at the award of the FFY-2015 Cap Grant to comply with Federal debt reduction requirements; therefore, a 2015 State match of only $1,819,800 was needed for the FFY-2015 Cap Grant. The difference between the required 2015 State Match and the available 2015 State Match is $642,980.

To provide the remainder of the required 2015 State Match for the FFY-2015 Cap Grant, the following amounts were available or transferred in 2015 from the Drinking Water Systems Emergency Loan (DWSELF) Fund;

* $2,709 remaining from a DWSELF transfer for the FFY-2014 Cap Grant match.

* $728,611.20 transferred from the DWSELF Fund in August 2015 for the original FFY-2015 Cap Grant amount match.

* $6,000 transferred from the DWSELF Fund in February 2016 after the second reduction in the FFY-2015 Cap Grant match by the State.

The transfers from the Drinking Water Systems Emergency Loan Fund (DWSELF) in 2015 provided an amount of $737,320.20; only $642,980.00 is required, therefore, an amount of $94,340.20 remains to be used as match for the FFY-2016 Capitalization Grant.

During the 2016 Regular Legislative Session, the State Legislature (House Bill No. 1651 Adopted) authorized $1,220,000 in direct funding for the DWSRF program. The FFY-2016 EPA Cap Grant amount is $8,607,000; the required State match amount is $1,721,400. In

September 2016 due to a continuing shortfall in State revenue the Governor mandated that the funds authorized by the 2016 Legislature be reduced by $19,834 to $1,200,166. With the $94,340.20 remaining from the match funds for the FFY-2015 EPA Cap Grant, an additional $426,893.80 will be needed as State match for the FFY-2016 Capitalization Grant; the Board will be requested to authorize the use of additional funds from DWSELF as the State match.

It is anticipated that the State Legislature will continue to provide a direct appropriation for the State's 20% match portion of the FFY-2017 EPA Capitalization Grant. If this happens, the match amount would be $1,721,400 for a grant amount of $8,607,000.

Miss. Code. tit. 33, pt. 8, Appendices, app 33-8-A

Adopted 2/19/2017