Miss. Code. tit. 33, pt. 7, Appendices, app 33-7-I

Current through January 14, 2025
Appendix 33-7-I - Coordination Schedules for Jointly Funded Projects


These schedules are designed to help assure coordination between the DWSIRLF Program and the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Grant Program, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, and Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Loan/ Grant Program. These schedules are, however, subject to change due to the timing of federal appropriations or program changes.


Schedule Item(s)/Deadline(s)




May 1, 2015

Mississippi Appalachian Regional Office (MARO) notifies potential applicants & local Planning & Development Districts of the September 1, 2015, deadline for submitting complete ARC grants applications.



Sept 1, 2015

All FY-16 ARC project applications due at MARO in Tupelo, MS by 5:00 p.m. Proposals received afterward will only be considered as "back-up" projects.



Oct 1, 2015**

Deadline for loan applicant to submit a complete DWSIRLF facilities plan to MS State Department of Health (MSDH). The plan must reflect anticipated ARC funding, and must indicate if the loan applicant intends to proceed with the project; 1) only if ARC funds are received, or 2) regardless of ARC funding.**

Deadline for loan applicant to submit a complete DWSIRLF facilities plan to MS State Department of Health (MSDH). The plan must reflect anticipated CDBG funding, and must indicate if the loan applicant intends to proceed with the project; 1) only if CDBG funds are received, or 2) regardless of CDBG funding.**

Deadline for loan applicant to submit a complete DWSIRLF facilities plan to MS State Department of Health (MSDH). The plan must reflect anticipated RUS funding, and must indicate if the loan applicant intends to proceed with the project; 1) only if RUS funds are received, or 2) regardless of RUS funding.**

Oct, 2015

MS State Dept. of Health (MSDH) notifies MARO of loan applicants who have submitted complete facilities plans which indicate anticipated FY-2016 ARC funding. MARO notifies MSDH of ARC grant applicants who submitted pre-applications which indicate anticipated FY-16 DWSIRLF funding.

MS State Dept. of Health (MSDH) notifies Mississippi Development Authority (MDA) of loan applicants who have submitted facilities plans which indicate anticipated FY-2015 CDBG funding.

MS State Dept. of Health (MSDH) notifies U. S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Utilities Service (RUS) of loan applicants who have submitted facilities plans which indicate anticipated FY-2016 RUS funding

Nov 15, 2015

MARO completes review of FY-2016 projects and briefs Governor on proposed Priority 1 and Priority 2 project lists, as well as projects not eligible to be funded.



Nov 15-30, 2015

MARO notifies local Planning & Development Districts of projects that have been selected for the P1 (fundable priority list). MARO will copy MSDH on these notification letters if grantee has indicated that it is pursuing DWSIRLF loan funds for the project. MSDH will not award a DWSIRLF loan until this notification from MARO is provided.



Oct 18, 2015


CDBG program application workshops.***


Nov, 2015

MSDH advertises Draft DWSIRLF FFY-2016 Intended Use Plan for public comment.

MSDH advertises Draft DWSIRLF FFY-2016 Intended Use Plan for public comment.

MSDH advertises Draft DWSIRLF FFY-2016 Intended Use Plan for public comment.

Dec 30, 2015

Deadline for all FY-2014 Priority 1 documentation and forms to be submitted to MARO.



Dec, 2015

Board adopts FFY-2016 DWSIRLF Intended Use Plan accounting for anticipated ARC award amounts if identified in facilities plan.

Board adopts FFY-2016 DWSIRLF Intended Use Plan, accounting for anticipated CDBG award amounts if identified in facilities plan. CDBG public facilities applications, along with one copy of the DWSRLF loan application with maps and appropriate attachments will be accepted from 12/7/2015 until 8/2016

Board adopts FFY-2016 DWSIRLF Intended Use Plan, accounting for anticipated RUS award amounts if identified in facilities plan.

Jan 20, 2016


Deadline for a CDBG grant applicant to submit a water viability review form to MDA.


Jan, 2016

MSDH notifies MARO of projects included on final FFY-2016 Priority List that anticipate receiving FFY-2016 ARC funds.

MSDH notifies MDA of projects included on the Final FFY-2016 Priority List that anticipate receiving FFY-2016 CDBG funds.

MSDH notifies RUS of projects included on the final FFY-2016 Priority List that anticipate receiving FFY-2016 RUS funds.

Feb 1, 2016

MARO sends project applications to ARC-Washington to start final funding approval process.



Feb 16, 2016


CDBG public facilities applications, along with one copy of the DWSIRLF loan application with maps and appropriate attachments, will be accepted from 2/16/2016 until 4:00 p.m. on 2/17/2016.


Feb- Jun, 2016

ARC-Washington starts the final funding approval process and awards ARC grants during the spring or summer of 2016.



Mar, 2016


MDA provides notification to MSDH that complete CDBG applications have been received.


May 1, 2016**

Deadline for loan applicants to submit a completed DWSIRLF loan application to MSDH for the total DWSIRLF eligible costs, less the amount of anticipated ARC award to be applied to DWSIRLF eligible costs.**

Deadline for loan applicants to submit a completed DWSIRLF loan application to MSDH for the total DWSIRLF eligible costs, less amount of anticipated CDBG award to be applied to the DWSIRLF eligible costs.** (NOTE: If the loan recipient is pursuing a CDBG grant to cover part of the cost of construction, the loan recipient has the option to include the anticipated CDBG grant amount in the detailed cost breakdown in the application, or may request 100% DWSIRLF funding with the possibility of amending the loan application later if the loan recipient is awarded a CDBG grant prior to receipt of bids for construction. However, the DWSIRLF loan application must be consistent with the DWSIRLF facilities plan for the project.)

Deadline for loan applicants to submit complete DWSIRLF loan applications to MSDH for the total DWSIRLF eligible costs, less amount of anticipated RUS award to be applied to DWSIRLF eligible costs.** (NOTE: If the loan recipient is pursuing an RUS grant/loan to cover part of the cost of construction, the loan recipient has the option to include the anticipated RUS grant/loan amount in the detailed cost breakdown in the application, or may request 100% DWSIRLF funding with the possibility of amending the loan application later if the loan recipient is awarded an RUS grant/loan prior to receipt of bids for construction. However, the DWSIRLF loan application must be consistent with the DWSIRLF facilities plan for the project)

May, 2016


MDA provides notification to MSDH of which projects fall within the funding range for CDBG grants for construction contingent upon matching funds being in place. (NOTE: MSDH will not award a DWSIRLF loan until this notification from MDA is provided.)


Jun, 2016

MSDH provides notification to MARO that complete DWSIRLF loan applications have been received.

MSDH provides notification to MDA that complete DWSIRLF loan applications have been received. MDA provides conformation to MSDH of which projects fall within the funding range for CDBG grants for construction contingent upon matching funds being in place.

MSDH provides notification to RUS that complete DWSIRLF loan applications have been received.

(Upon Grant Award)

MARO provides notification to MSDH that ARC awards have been made.

MDA provides notification to MSDH that CDBG awards have been made.

RUS provides notification that RUS awards have been made

Aug 1, 2016**

All approvable documents and responses to comments necessary for loan award must be submitted to MDEQ for review and approval.**

All approvable documents and responses to comments necessary for loan award must be submitted to MDEQ for review and approval.**

All approvable documents and responses to comments necessary for loan award must be submitted to MDEQ for review and approval.**

May-Sep, 2016

Loan applicants receive DWSIRLF loan awards from MSDH. The amount of the loan will be the total DWSIRLF eligible cost less the ARC award amount to be applied to DWSIRLF eligible costs.

Loan applicants receive DWSIRLF loan awards from MSDH. The amount of the loan will be the total DWSIRLF eligible cost less the CDBG award amount to be applied to DWSIRLF eligible costs.

Loan applicants receive DWSIRLF loan awards from MSDH. The amount of the loan will be the total DWSIRLF eligible cost less the RUS award amount to be applied to DWSIRLF eligible costs.

If loan applicant desires DWSIRLF loan award prior to RUS award, loan applicant must provide MSDH with a copy of letter from RUS which states their project will be funded only contingent upon receipt of DWSIRLF matching funds. MSDH will not award a DWSIRLF loan until that notification from RUS is provided.

(Upon Loan Award)

MSDH sends a copy of the award letter to MARO.

MSDH sends a copy of the award letter to MDA.

MSDH sends a copy of the award letter to RUS.

* General Guidance regarding DWSIRLF/RUS coordination: The RUS is an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture which provides loans and grants for water and wastewater projects. Eligible applicants must be public entities, nonprofit organizations, or Indian tribes that serve communities with populations under 10,000. RUS funds may be used in conjunction with other Federal, State, or local funds. Applications for RUS funds will be accepted at any time during the year, and involve an environmental review that includes public notifications and comment periods. RUS projects are funded at any time during the year as long as funds are available. RUS funds are allocated by Congress in October of each year, and are usually spent as complete applications are received. Therefore, it is generally to the applicant's advantage to file applications earlier in the year. To receive an application package or other information, contact Rural Utilities Service, 100 West Capitol Street, Suite 831, Jackson, MS 39269; telephone: (601) 965-5460; fax: 844-325-7034.

** FFY-2016 DWSIRLF Priority System Deadline

*** "To Be Announced" (Date has not yet been set.)

Miss. Code. tit. 33, pt. 7, Appendices, app 33-7-I

Adopted 10/23/2016