Miss. Code. tit. 33, pt. 4, Appendices, app 33-4-E

Current through January 14, 2025
Appendix 33-4-E - Mississippi Small Systems Technical Assistance Set-Aside Work plan


The Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH), Bureau of Public Water Supply (Department), proposes to use the Small Systems Technical Assistance Set-Aside of the DWSRF in an assistance and training program directed at improving the technical, managerial, and financial capabilities of small community public water systems in the state. The goal of this program is to assure that assistance is provided to all small community public water systems that require such assistance to maintain adequate technical, financial, and managerial capabilities necessary to comply with requirements of the SDWA.


A request for proposals (RFP) for the technical assistance contracts was published in the legal section of The Clarion-Ledger and proposals were received on May 10, 2013, from potential contractors. All proposals were evaluated by the Department and recommendations for award were presented to the Board (at a regularly scheduled Board meeting); all contracts were awarded.

All contracts cover a two-year period with an optional third year to be exercised at the Board's discretion on July 1, 2015. The contracts for technical assistance currently are as follows:

Small Systems Technical Assistance (long-term and intermediate technical assistance) - Community Resources Group;

Board Management Training Monitoring and Coordination for Water System Officials - Mississippi State University Extension Service;

Hands-On Operator Training - Mississippi Rural Water Association, Inc.;

PEER Review Program for Public Water Supplies - Mississippi Rural Water Association, Inc.


The technical assistance program consists of four major categories of activities that will be accomplished through contracts with qualified organizations that are experienced in providing the type of support required by each activity. These categories may be updated and/or revised as a result of work plan reviews that will be conducted annually during the life of the program. Amendments will be submitted whenever activities or budgets change and when required to extend the term of the work plan.

Small Systems Technical Assistance:

Comprehensive and Intermediate technical assistance shall be provided to an equivalent of sixteen (16) small public water systems annually.

1. - Long-term technical assistance:

Comprehensive assistance must be provided to a minimum of eight (8) small public water systems annually. The contractor will provide comprehensive assistance to at least eight (8) public water systems per contract year. At the beginning of each contract year, the MSDH Bureau of Public Water Supply will provide the contractor a list of systems that are to receive this assistance. Within 30 days of the start date for that contract year, the contractor will identify, with the help of MSDH, eight (8) systems that will receive comprehensive technical assistance, complete an initial assessment of the needs of each of the eight (8) systems, and develop a work plan for each water system. The contractor shall submit an assessment and work plan for each system to MSDH for approval prior to initiating technical assistance. MSDH shall use its latest report of Capacity Ratings of Public Water Systems, along with the recommendations of MSDH staff and the contractor, to identify those public water systems that are to receive this assistance.

Activity Objective - provide long-term on-site comprehensive technical assistance to resolve problems identified by contractor. Eight (8) systems will be chosen from a prepared list.

Reporting/Evaluation - written progress reports using a format approved by MSDH will be furnished monthly to MSDH and members of the Board by the contractor. The reports shall identify progress made on the work plan developed for each system. The contractor shall meet with the Board on a quarterly basis to update the Board on accomplishments under this contract and answer any questions the Board might have regarding the implementation of this contract.

2. Intermediate technical assistance:

This assistance is selective in nature and consists of one or more additional contact or non-contact hours for public water systems previously receiving short-term assistance or systems not requiring comprehensive long-term assistance. Selection of systems will be based on the list supplied by MSDH for the remaining public water systems from the initially prepared list.

Intermediate technical assistance projects will be counted toward the minimum sixteen (16) required comprehensive projects at a ratio of 2:1 (two intermediate projects will be the equivalent of one comprehensive project).

Activity Objective - provide intermediate on-site technical assistance to selected systems covering the subject(s) determined by the contractor to be most needed.

Reporting/Evaluation - written progress reports using a format approved by MSDH will be furnished monthly to MSDH and members of the Board by the contractor. The reports shall identify the assistance provided to each system. The contractor shall meet with the Board on a quarterly basis to update the Board on accomplishments under this contract and answer any questions the Board might have regarding the implementation of this contract.

Coordination and Monitoring of Board Management Training for Water System Officials:

Section 41-26-101 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated, states "Each member elected or reelected after June 30, 1998, to serve on a governing board of any community public water system, except systems operated by municipalities with a population greater than ten thousand (10,000), shall attend a minimum of eight (8) hours of management training within two (2) years following the election of that board member. If a board member has undergone training and is reelected to the board, that board member shall not be required to attend training. The management training shall be organized by the MSDH. The management training shall include information on water system management and financing, rate setting and structures, operations and maintenance, applicable laws and regulations, ethics, the duties and responsibilities of the association and other organizations. The Department shall develop and provide all training materials. To avoid board members having to interfere with their jobs or employment, management training sessions may be divided into segments and, to the greatest extent possible, shall be scheduled for evening sessions. The Department shall conduct management training on a regional basis." The contractor shall: serve as the coordinator for MSDH in regards to all activities related to the implementation of the training program in the state; randomly attend training sessions to ensure the established curriculum is being followed and that the curriculum is relevant and effective; manage the Board Member Training Curriculum Review Committee; continue to update the established computerized database to accurately track the most current status of each board member attending the program; and other related duties.

Activity Objective - manage those activities related to the effective training of the members of the governing boards of small community public water systems.

Reporting/Evaluation - Randomly attend at least two sessions/contract year/training organization unannounced and furnish both MSDH and the Board members a written report within 7 days of attendance including the following information: review of presentation by trainer(s); any needed remedial action; attendee comments; attendance roster; and other related items. Written and oral quarterly reports shall be furnished to MSDH and the Board members that include: attendee evaluation of the trainers and training material; contractor evaluation of trainer(s); attendee comments; attendance rosters; needed remedial action; curriculum review committee meetings; itemized costs of training organization(s). Monthly reports containing the above information shall be submitted to MSDH along with the invoices for work performed under the contract. MSDH, affected board members, and affected entities shall be provided with periodic reports listing those board members who have not completed the board member training and the time remaining for completion of the training.

Hands-On Operator Training:

The Contractor will provide practical, applied, "hands-on" training for public water system operators in the State of Mississippi. MSDH defines hands-on operator training for the purposes of this contract as training that provides functional instruction in the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to better fulfill the job requirements of a drinking water system operator. The hands-on training will include a comprehensive approach (lecture plus physical, hands-on sessions with equipment) for all operators attending the training. Trainings are to include equipment/props pertinent to the training topic(s) as a part of the training discussion.

Activity Objectives - Provide a minimum of sixteen (16) hands-on operator training sessions within the year.

Reporting/Evaluation - written quarterly reports using a format approved by MSDH on Hands-On Operator Training. The reports shall include but are not limited to: a) details of sessions conducted; b) number of attendees and their comments; c) related problems that occurred during or as a result of a training session and any solution(s); d) an itemized list of the costs incurred by the training organization; and e) other related items. The contractor shall meet with the Board on a quarterly basis to update the Board on accomplishments under this contract and answer any questions the Board might have regarding the implementation of this contract.

Peer Review Assistance:

Through the use of trained volunteers, this assistance will be conducted on-site with the systems either selected from a list provided to the contractor by MSDH or with prior MSDH approval. A cooperative agreement between the contractor and the Mississippi Water and Pollution Control Operators' Association will help provide qualified volunteers to serve as peer review team members. There will be a goal of sixteen (16) peer reviews per contract year with a minimum of three (3) peer reviews per quarter. Each volunteer shall be paid $75 per day for each actual peer review in which the volunteer participates. The contractor will maintain a directory of trained volunteers.

Activity Objectives - provide short-term (less 8 contact hours) on-site technical assistance to selected systems covering the subject(s) determined by the contractor to be most needed.

Reporting/Evaluation - copies of all completed peer review reports will be provided to both MSDH and the Board within 30 days of completion of each peer review. Written progress reports using a format approved by MSDH will be furnished monthly to MSDH and members of the Board by the contractor. The name of the system undergoing the peer review shall be removed and be identified by a code only known to the contractor. The report shall include: an assessment of which type of capacity was the worst at the time of the visit; a listing of all suggested remedial action; officials present shall be listed by title; an evaluation form (previously approved by MSDH) rating the assistance provided that was completed by the system; any conditions currently or potentially endangering public health; and any other related items. The contractor shall meet with the Board on a quarterly basis to update the Board on accomplishments under this contract and answer any questions the Board might have regarding the implementation of this contract.


The MSDH will conduct Small Systems Technical Assistance Set-aside activities through Board approved contracts with providers who will be selected following procedures of the State of Mississippi Personal Services Contract Procurement Regulations. Contracts of a regulatory nature will be handled solely by MSDH. All providers will report to and be responsible to the MSDH for all contract activities. No additional FTE requirement is anticipated for state agencies to implement the provisions of this set-aside.

Miss. Code. tit. 33, pt. 4, Appendices, app 33-4-E

Amended 2/22/2015