33 Miss. Code. R. 201-1-17.4

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 33-201-1-17.4 - Rental License
(a)Rental License Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to lease, operate, manage, or maintain a Single-Household or Multiple-Household Dwelling located within the Reservoir Project Area, which such Dwelling contains one (1) or more Rental Units, without a current and valid Rental License having been issued for such Dwelling. Any Person leasing, operating, managing, or maintaining one or more than one (1) such Dwelling shall obtain a Rental License for each separate location.
(b)Application. A written application for a Rental License, signed by the Owner or his/her agent, shall be filed with the District Building Official, upon a form provided by the District Building Official for such purpose. The following information shall be required in the application:
(i) The street address of the Dwelling.
(ii) The name, physical and mailing address and telephone number and, if available, telefax number, and email address of each Owner within the Same Ownership.
(iii) The name, address and telephone number, and, if available, telefax number and email address of an agent who is designated to receive notices and service of process and is authorized to grant consent for the District Building Inspector to inspect the Premises, Dwelling, Dwelling Units and Rental Units.
(iv) A license fee of one hundred dollars ($ 100) per Dwelling Unit.
(v) The number and type (by bedroom) of Dwelling Units.
(vi) If the written application is signed by an agent on behalf of the Owner, written authorization must be provided documenting the agent's authority.
(c)Duration. A Rental License shall be valid for a period of one (1) year from its issuance date. An application for renewal shall be filed within thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date.
(d)Updates required. If, subsequent to the issuance of a Rental License, the Dwelling for which such Rental License was issued is modified with the effect of adding or removing Dwelling Units, such Rental License shall be updated within thirty (30) days after such modification to reflect the new number of Dwelling Units.
(e)Display. A Rental License issued pursuant to RPRO for a Multiple-Household Dwelling shall be displayed in a conspicuous place at the rental unit, to which all Tenants have access.
(f)Application to existing Rental Units. Persons owning, operating, managing, or maintaining a Single-Household or Multiple-Household Dwelling located within the Reservoir Project Area, which such Dwelling contains one (1) or more Rental Units as of the Effective Date of this Regulation, shall apply for a Rental License no later than ninety (90) days after the Effective Date of this Regulation.

33 Miss. Code. R. 201-1-17.4

Miss. Code Ann. § 51-9-127 (Rev. 2000)
Adopted 5/20/2015