33 Miss. Code. R. 16-V

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 33-16-V - Set-Aside Activities

The SDWA allows each state to set-aside up to 31 percent of its federal Cap grant to support non-project-related drinking water programs which includes administration of the loan program, technical assistance to public water systems, state program management, and other special activities.


The SDWA-DWSRF amendments in the 2017 Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (Pub. L. 114-332) (2017 WIIN Act - EPA memorandum dated June 6, 2017) states that the Administrative Set-Asides that can be taken (the greatest of: $400,000, 1/5 percent of the current valuation of the fund, or an amount equal to 4 percent of all grant awards to the fund for the fiscal year). The State plans to use a portion of the allowable "Administrative" set-aside from the Appropriation. Preliminarily, the State would like to staff an administrative coordinator and a project manager to help facilitate this funding at an estimated cost of $750,000 over 6 years.

B.Small System Technical Assistance

The state is not authorized to take this set-aside since the City of Jackson does not meet the small system criteria.

C.State Program Management

The state does not intend to use this set-aside. Further coordination with recipient may determine the necessity of this funding at a later date.

D.Local Assistance and Other State Programs

The state does not intend to use this set-aside. Further coordination with recipient may determine the necessity of this funding at a later date.

33 Miss. Code. R. 16-V

Adopted 8/31/2023
Amended 5/3/2024
Amended 8/29/2024
Amended 10/28/2024