32 Miss. Code. R. 24-9.00

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 32-24-9.00 - Staffing Pattern and Back-up Plan

The staffing pattern at the REACH Center for the Blind is established to meet the fluctuating service demands of clients throughout the year, except for designated holidays/closings. This necessitates flexibility of faculty who often assist in more than one area of the Center. When faculty expects to be unavailable to teach their classes, they must submit a plan for the continuation of services to clients assigned to their instructional units. Such plans can include substitution of other Center staff, use of volunteers or guest speakers, or special activities. The Assistant Director for Client Services reviews these plans prior to approval of the Request for Leave. For unexpected absences, the Assistant Director for Client Services or the Program Manager temporarily assigns other qualified instructors to provide scheduled training or substitute appropriate activities so that services are not interrupted.

32 Miss. Code. R. 24-9.00