32 Miss. Code. R. 24-7.03

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 32-24-7.03 - Keys

The Center exercises reasonable efforts to disseminate and collect keys to the physical plant. Staff members are only given keys to gain access to their respective work areas. Keys to the clients' files and safe/vault room are restricted to the Center Director, the Assistant Center Directors and the designated staff member responsible for this area. In dispensing keys to staff members, the CRP maintains documentation with signatory acknowledgement that the staff member has been provided such keys, agrees not to make copies of the keys, and will return the keys upon their termination of employment with the Department or upon their relocation to another physical plant. Appropriately located, locked key box (es) shall contain spare keys to each door in the facility. Vehicle keys are secured in the Front Office area.

32 Miss. Code. R. 24-7.03