32 Miss. Code. R. 24-4.03

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 32-24-4.03 - Mechanisms Used to Obtain Input

The methods include but are not limited to the following:

1.Client/Director Meetings - The Center Director or designee meets with the persons served periodically. The purpose of this meeting is for the persons served to have direct access to the top management at the Center in order to pose questions, state concerns, and provide input into the operation of the Center. Although information is disseminated to them during these meetings, the main purpose is to solicit feedback and questions from those served in a group setting. (Reference: "Client / Director Meetings" file)
2.Human Rights Committee - The committee meets quarterly or on an "as needed" basis. It is composed of three clients, the Center director and the chair of the committee. The purpose of this committee is to provide a mechanism for complaints and/or concerns to be identified and presented, as appropriate, for management response or action. This is to ensure that the persons served have input into service delivery and Center management as it pertains to their rights. The committee examines and evaluates any restrictions and practices that may affect the human rights of a single client or the entire client population. The Center Director is designated to serve as an advisor to this committee. (Reference: "Rights of Persons Served" file)
3.Suggestion Box - In order to promote input from those served, a suggestion box is located in the client lounge on the second floor. Suggestions are discussed during Client/Director Meetings, Center Staff Meetings, and/or Human Rights Committee Meetings as appropriate.
4.Client Advisory Committee - A group of three clients is chosen at random and serves voluntarily to gather input from their peers. This input is shared with staff at the Psychosocial Committee meetings. Oral and written input from individual clients is solicited from those served through each phase of the service delivery process (from intake to program planning and service implementation, to progress reviews, exit and follow-up). The Center's Program Managers are charged with maintaining regular and ongoing contact with clients assigned to their caseloads. Program Managers document all significant communication with or about clients on their respective caseloads in the client file's running records. Program Managers also maintain regular contact with referring district counselors of each client, informing them immediately, either orally or in writing, of any significant issue that may arise.
5.Public Meetings - Input from those served and the general public is solicited and secured annually at regional meetings for the public review of the Mississippi OVR/VRB State Plan. Meeting locations and schedules are advertised and other informal means are used to encourage participation from advocacy groups, consumers, and the general public. The Mississippi OVR/VRB State Plan is available for review by persons with disabilities and/or other interested parties during regular office hours at the Department's central administrative office and certain district locations, including the REACH Center for the Blind. The State Plan is provided in alternate media for access by people who are blind or visually impaired.
6.Facilities Advisory Committee - Input is solicited from the representatives of the service community and blind consumers through the quarterly meeting of the Facilities Advisory Committee. (Reference: "Facilities Advisory Committee" file.)

The Center develops and maintains an annual comprehensive, written consumer-based management plan. This plan is the result of the Center's investigations and its mission in the community. As a minimum, this plan includes:

1. A prioritized set of objectives
2. An action plan to accomplish the objectives
3. Identification of responsibilities for accomplishment of the planning objectives to include who will be responsible for what and the time frames that are projected for their accomplishment
4. An evaluation of performance toward objectives (minimum of annually)

(Reference: "Outcomes Measurement System" and "Strategic Management Plans" files.)

32 Miss. Code. R. 24-4.03