32 Miss. Code. R. 24-12.01

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 32-24-12.01 - Accessibility Plan

The Center has a written plan for addressing barriers Identified in the following areas:

1.Attitudes - The REACH Center for the Blind is committed to the removal of all attitudinal barriers to service access. Center staff, OVRB personnel, and clients are assessed regarding attitudes, including perceptions that may be in conflict with full integration of people with disabilities into the programs and services of the organization. This assessment is conducted informally throughout a client's program of services and accomplished formally via the Staffing Checklist, Exit Interview, staff meetings, and the Center's Annual Survey.
2.Architectural - At a minimum of every three (3) years, an external inspection by a competent authority (i.e., rehabilitation engineer or technology specialist) is conducted based on Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards with a written report of findings. The Assistant Director for Facility Management documents through a written corrective action plan all efforts to address deficit findings. The Center Director provides a written report of actions taken to enhance architectural accessibility resulting from client input and/or general operating activities in the annual outcomes management report.
3.Transportation - The client's need for transportation services to and from the Center to enable participation in programs and services is evaluated. Transportation to the Center at the beginning of a client's program of services and to his/her home at the end of the program is arranged by the OVRB referring counselor if needed. The Center provides resources to allow clients to return home one weekend each month during their stay at the Center, and enable them to participate in necessary programs and activities. Staff communicates with the client and the district counselor to determine transportation needs.
4.Communication - The need for interpreter services and alternate media by clients, staff and other stakeholders is addressed. The Center uses testing and training materials which are readily understandable by the client. The Center has the capability to produce audio tape, Braille, and large print media as needed. If appropriate, the Center, through its referring counselors, accesses needed communication services through the MDRS Office of Assistive Technology, MDRS interpreters for the deaf, other MDRS communication specialists, and as appropriate and necessary, by the purchase of services from private sector providers and/or other governmental agencies. The Center has an agreement with the University of Mississippi Medical Center for the provision of interpreter services for a wide array of foreign languages, should the need arise. (Reference: "Interagency Agreements/Collaboration" file.)
5.Environmental - Changing needs of the community, stakeholders, clients and staff are considered in planning for budget and utilization of financial resources.
6.Financial - Donations and other additional community resources are used to meet identified barriers of individual clients.
7.Employment - Staff training and client services address the employment barriers of persons with disabilities both locally and nationally.

32 Miss. Code. R. 24-12.01