32 Miss. Code. R. 22-3.23

Current through January 14, 2025

The Mississippi Workers' Compensation Commission (MWCC) has a cooperative agreement with VR whereby selected individuals injured on the job are referred to VR for possible provision of vocational rehabilitation services.

3.22.1 Referrals

The MWCC Rehabilitation Director will route all Workers Compensation (WC) referrals to VR counselors through the State Coordinator for the Workers' Compensation Referral Programs The WC referral (R-2) form is used for reporting to MWCC and for follow-up purposes. The VR counselor will be responsible for determining, through contact with the claimant, whether the individual could benefit from VR services. Absence of need for medical expense assistance will not be the sole reason for not serving a WC claimant.

MWCC requires a report of the action taken on each claimant within thirty (30) working days from the date of referral. Reports of action are documented on the R-2 by listing the attempts and/or methods of contact with the client and his/her employer, indicating the disposition of the referral by marking the appropriate response (i.e.; Will evaluate for rehabilitation service, No rehabilitation services needed - case closed, or Will accept case and develop program), and documenting rationale for decision. Upon completion of the R-2, a copy will be mailed directly to MWCC. The original will be retained in the case file in the district office. A copy will be forwarded to the State Coordinator for the Workers Compensation Referral Program for his/her records. MWCCs address is:

Mississippi Workers' Compensation Commission

Attention: Rehabilitation Director

Post Office Box 5300

Jackson, MS 39296-5300

3.22.2 Exchange of Information

There will be a free and open exchange of information between the Agency and MWCC. However, when a VR counselor is requesting information from MWCC, the WC claim number must be provided. In cases that were referred by MWCC, this number can be found on the R-2 form.

3.22.3 Services

If an individualized plan for employment (IPE) is developed in a case involving workers compensation, the VR counselor must provide a copy of IPE or amendment to the MWCC Rehabilitation Director. If the IPE includes services that entail use of insurance carrier funds, both the insurance carrier (as identified on the R-2 form) and MWCC must give prior approval.


Abbreviation/Acronym Formal Name
AACE Accessible Automated Case Environment
ABAS Adaptive Behavior Assessment System
ACB American Council of the Blind
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
AFB American Foundation for the Blind
AMRC Addie McBryde Rehabilitation Center for the Blind
ARC Association for the Rights of Citizens with Developmental Disabilities
AT Assistive Technology
AW AbilityWorks
BDS Business Development Services
BEP Business Enterprise Program
BIA Brain Injury Association
BSG Basic Service Grant
C/E Certificate of Eligibility
CANAR Consortia of Administrators for Native American Rehabilitation
CAP Client Assistance Program
CCWAVES Commission on Certification of Work Adjustment and Vocational Evaluation Specialists
CDBG Community Development Block Grant
CEU Continuing Education Unit
CLEO Chief Local Elected Official
CMI Chronic Mental Illness
CPM Certified Public Manager
CRC Certified Rehabilitation Counselor
CRP Community Rehabilitation Program
CRS Case Review Schedule
CSAVR Council of State Administrators for Vocational Rehabilitation
CSLR Counselor
CVE Certified Vocational Evaluator
CWIC Community Work Incentives Coordinator
D/B Deaf-Blind
dB Decibel
DD Developmental Disability
DDS Disability Determination Services
DFA Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration
DHS Mississippi Department of Human Services
DM District Manager
DMH Mississippi Department of Mental Health
DOL U. S. Department of Labor
DOT Dictionary of Occupational Titles or U. S. Department of Transportation
DSM-IV Diagnostic & Statistical Manual - IV
DSU Designated State Unit
EC Employment Coordinator
EIN Employer Identification Number
EN Employment Network
FFY Federal Fiscal Year
FM Facility Manager
HRD Human Resource Development
ID Intellectual Disability
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP Individualized Education Plan
IHL Institutions of Higher Learning
ILS Independent Living Services
INS U.S. Department of Immigration & Naturalization Services
IPE Individualized Plan for Employment
JDPS Job Development and Placement Services
JR Job Readiness
JWOD Javits-Wagner-ODay Act
LBO Legislative Budget Office
LEO Local Elected Official
LIFE Living Independence for Everyone
LINCS Linking Innovative Networks of Community Services
LPC Licensed Professional Counselor
LWIA Local Workforce Investment Area
LWIB Local Workforce Investment Board
MAD Mississippi Association of the Deaf
MADE Mississippi Association of Disability Examiners
MAER Mississippi Association for Education & Rehabilitation of the Blind & Visually Impaired
MAIL Mississippi Association for Independent Living
MARSS Mississippi Association of Rehabilitation Support Staff
MCL Maximum Comfort Level
MDES Mississippi Department of Employment Security
MDOC Mississippi Department of Corrections
MDOT Mississippi Department of Transportation
MDRS Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services
MHIA Mississippi Head Injury Association
MIB Mississippi Industries for the Blind
MIID Mississippi Industries for Individuals with Disabilities
MMA Mississippi Manufacturers Association
MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
M-PIC Mississippi Partners for Informed Choice
MPWA Mississippi Partnership Workforce Area
MRAA Mississippi Rehabilitation Administration Association
MRC Methodist Rehabilitation Center
MRCA Mississippi Rehabilitation Counseling Association
MRID Mississippi Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
MWCC Mississippi Workers Compensation Commission
MYTI Mississippi Model Youth Transition Innovation Project
NAIL National Association of Independent Living
NAMRC National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns
NARL National Association of Rehabilitation Leadership
NARSS National Association of Rehabilitation Support Staff
NFB National Federation of the Blind
NIDRR National Institute of Disability & Rehabilitation Research
NISH National Institute for the Severely Handicapped
NRA National Rehabilitation Association
OD Right Eye
OJT On-the-job Training
OS Left Eye
OSC One-Stop Center
OSDP Office of Special Disability Programs
OSERS U. S. Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services
OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Association
OU Both Eyes
OVR Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
OVRB Office of Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind
PAS Personal Assistance Services
PASS Plan for Achieving Self-Support
PES Post-employment Services
PIC Private Industry Council
PPVT Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
PSED Post-Secondary Education
RAM Rehabilitation Association of Mississippi
RCD Rehabilitation Counselor for the Deaf
RCEA Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Association
REACH Realizing that Empowerment through Accomplishment and Confidence Building it is Honorable to be Blind
REM Regional Employment Manager
RID Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
RM Regional Manager
RSA Rehabilitation Services Administration
SAAS State Automated Accounting System
SCI Spinal Cord Injury
SDA Service Delivery Area
SE Supported Employment
SFY State Fiscal Year
SILC State Independent Living Council
SLD Specific Learning Disability
SMI Serious Mental Illness
SOICC State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee
SPB State Personnel Board
SRC State Rehabilitation Council
SRT Speech Reception Threshold
SSA Social Security Administration
SSDI Social Security Disability Insurance
SSI Supplemental Security Income
START Success through Assistive Rehabilitation Technology
SWIB State Workforce Investment Board
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
TDD Telecommunication Device for the Deaf
TTY Tele-typewriter for the Deaf
TWE Trial Work Experience
UCL Uncomfortable listening level
VA U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs
VE Vocational Evaluation
VEWAA Vocational Evaluation & Work Adjustment Association
VR Vocational Rehabilitation
VSMS Vineland Social Maturity Scale
VTI Vocational Training Instructor
WAIS Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
WC Workers Compensation
WEP Work Experience Program
WIA Workforce Investment Act
WIIA Work Incentives Improvement Act
WIPA Work Incentives Planning and Assistance
WISC Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
WMS Wechsler Memory Scale
WOTC Work Opportunity Tax Credit
WRAT Wide Range Achievement Test

32 Miss. Code. R. 22-3.23