32 Miss. Code. R. 21-8-8.4

Current through October 10, 2024
Section 32-21-8-8.4 - State Purchasing Regulations

Items not covered by the Agency Fee Schedule or a State Contract are subject to the Mississippi Public Purchases law. This law requires the following for all client service purchases authorized by the counselor:

1. Purchases of $5,000.00 or under, exclusive of freight or shipping charges, may be authorized to any vendor with no bids or approval required (except for Computer /telecommunication related purchases).
2. Purchases over $5,000.00, but not in excess of $25,000.00, exclusive of freight or shipping charges, require at least two written quotes or certification that the vendor is a single source*. The Request for Purchase form (DRS-FIN 1) or client authorization and quotes or certification are to be submitted to the District Manager. Purchases will be made from the lowest and best overall quote that meets the specifications. DO NOT ISSUE AUTHORIZATIONS UNTIL NOTIFIED OF APPROVAL. After receiving written approval, the Authorization and Statement of Account may be issued. A copy of the approval document and quotes must be attached to the Statement of Account when submitted to the Finance Office for payment.

*Single source vendor considerations - Do other companies make similar commodities that will do the same job or meet the same goals? If so, why is this commodity unique from all others? What can it do that the others can't? Is there a copyright or patent on this commodity? Will the company write a letter certifying this to be true? Are there distributors outside of Mississippi or will the manufacturer give you a quote?

3. For purchases over $25,000.00, exclusive of freight and shipping charges, you must send the specifications for the items being purchased or construction projects being proposed to the District Manager, who will then submit the request to the Finance Office. (See Section 6.2.7 of the OVR/OVRB Resource Guide for requirements for AT related purchases). IT IS UNLAWFUL TO SPLIT A PURCHASE TO CIRCUMVENT THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADVERTISING. The Finance Office will arrange for the advertising in the newspaper, provide guidance in obtaining the bids, and obtain approval from the Bureau of Purchasing (P-1). Purchases will be made from the lowest and best overall bidder that meets the specifications. AUTHORIZATIONS SHOULD NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL NOTIFICATION IS RECEIVED.

32 Miss. Code. R. 21-8-8.4