32 Miss. Code. R. 21-1-1.1.9

Current through October 10, 2024
Section 32-21-1-1.1.9 - Agreements with Other Agencies and Organizations, including the Mississippi Workforce Investment System

Counselors shall comply with the provisions of agreements between MDRS and other agencies and organizations; including those in the Mississippi Workforce Investment System. These agreements provide for interagency cooperation which may include establishing interagency working groups; coordinating policies, practices, and procedures; identifying available resources; setting up a comprehensive information and referral system; and defining the financial responsibility of each agency for paying for necessary services and resolving disputes. (Section 101(a)(11) of the 1998 Rehabilitation Act Amendments)

The Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services will make available an information and referral system adequate to ensure that individuals with disabilities, including eligible individuals who do not meet the Agency's order of selection criteria for receiving vocational rehabilitation services if the Agency is operating on an order of selection, are provided accurate vocational rehabilitation information and guidance (which may include counseling and referral for job placement) using appropriate modes of communication to assist them in preparing for, securing, retaining, or regaining employment; and will refer individuals with disabilities to other appropriate Federal and State programs, including other components of the statewide workforce investment system.

In making these referrals, MDRS will refer the individual to Federal or State programs, including programs carried out by other components of the statewide workforce investment system, best suited to address the specific employment needs of an individual with a disability, and provide the individual who is being referred

1. A notice of the referral by MDRS to the agency carrying out the program;
2. Information identifying a specific point of contact within the agency to which the individual is being referred; and
3. Information and advice regarding the most suitable services to assist the individual to prepare for, secure, retain, or regain employment.

In providing the information and referral services under this section to eligible individuals who are not in the priority category or categories to receive vocational rehabilitation services under an order of selection, if one is in effect, MDRS will maintain and report data on the number of eligible individuals who did not meet the Agency's order of selection criteria for receiving vocational rehabilitation services and did receive information and referral services.

4. MDRS shall maintain a list of interpreters fluent in languages spoken by the targeted populations.
5. District Managers shall maintain formal relationships with historically Black Colleges and Universities in their service area by assigning a liaison person(s) to encourage referrals, job placement, training, outreach, and recruitment.

MDRS has an agency-wide Cultural Diversity Committee that is responsible for the following:

1. developing strategies for outreach in the district offices to be implemented by the staff designated outreach workers;
2. establishing reporting formats for each district office to summarize outreach activities, which occurred during the quarter;
3. reviewing the quarterly outreach reports and submitting a summary to the MDRS Executive Director; and,
4. making recommendations to the MDRS Executive Director for additional outreach activities designed to increase contact with culturally diverse populations.

32 Miss. Code. R. 21-1-1.1.9