OVR/OVRB, in collaboration with the LEAs involved, must provide, or arrange for the provision of, Pre-ETS for all students with disabilities who are in need of such services. Pre-ETS must be made available statewide to all students with disabilities, regardless of whether the student has applied or been determined eligible for VR services. 80
PE students may receive Pre-ETS in a group or generalized classroom setting only, whereas VR eligible students may receive these services in a group or an individualized setting.
In addition, MDRS is required to reserve not less than fifteen (15) percent of its federal allotment, as well as, any funds made available from state, local, or private funding sources for the provision of Pre-ETS. Funds reserved and made available may be used for the required, authorized, and pre-employment transition coordination activities only. Administrative costs and/or any other costs associated with the provision of such services shall not be paid with reserved funds. 81, 82, 83
Required Pre-ETS
The five (5) mandated Pre-ETS activities that are required to be provided as needed are: 84
Authorized Pre-ETS85
Funds remaining after all the necessary required Pre-ETS activities have been provided may be used to improve the transition of students with disabilities from school to postsecondary education or an employment outcome by:
* implementing effective strategies that increase independent living and inclusion in their communities and competitive integrated work environment;
* developing and improving strategies for individuals with intellectual and significant disabilities to live independently, participate in postsecondary education experiences, and obtain and retain CIE;
* providing training to VR counselors, school transition staff, and others supporting students with disabilities;
* disseminating information on innovative, effective, and efficient approaches to implement Pre-ETS;
* coordinating activities with transition services provided by LEAs under IDEA;
* applying evidence-based findings to improve policy, procedure, practice, and the preparation of personnel;
* developing model transition demonstration projects;
* establishing or supporting multistate or regional partnerships that involve states, LEAs, MDRS, developmental disability agencies, private businesses, or others; and
* disseminating information and strategies to improve the transition to postsecondary activities of those who are traditionally unserved.
Pre-ETS Coordination Activities86
Funds reserved for Pre-ETS may also be used for four (4) coordination activities that consist of:
32 Miss. Code. R. 10-9-9.2