32 Miss. Code. R. 10-6-6.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 32-10-6-6.2 - Priority Category Assignment

After a determination of eligibility, each individual will be classified and assigned to a Priority Category. The OOS system will in no way restrict the provision of diagnostic and evaluation services required for a determination of eligibility.

Priority Category 1 Most Significantly Disabled (MSD)

An individual with a most significant disability:

* Has a severe physical or mental impairment that seriously limits three (3) or more functional capacities (such as mobility, communication, self-care, selfdirection, interpersonal skills, work tolerance or work skills) in terms of an employment outcome, and

* Will require multiple VR services for an extended period of time.

Priority Category 2 Significantly Disabled (SD)

An individual with a significant disability: 61

* Has a severe physical or mental impairment that seriously limits one (1) or two (2) functional capacities (such as mobility, communication, self-care, selfdirection, interpersonal skills, work tolerance or work skills) in terms of an employment outcome, and

* Will require multiple VR services for an extended period of time.

Priority Category 3 Disabled (D)

An individual with a disability: 62

* Has a physical or mental impairment that results in a substantial impediment to employment and who can benefit, in terms of an employment outcome, from the provision of VR services.

32 Miss. Code. R. 10-6-6.2

Adopted 8/1/2022

SSDI beneficiaries or SSI recipients are not afforded any special consideration in establishing the priority categories of the order, notwithstanding the automatic classification of such an individual as an individual with a significant disability'.