32 Miss. Code. R. 10-12-12.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 32-10-12-12.1 - Criteria For Closing Service Records As Rehabilitated [105]

The record of services of an individual who has achieved a competitive integrated employment (CIE) outcome may be closed as rehabilitated only if all of the following requirements are met:

1. The individual received VR counseling and guidance throughout the life of record.
2. The individual has achieved the employment outcome that is described in the individual's IPE and is consistent with the individual's unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice.
3. The individual has maintained the employment outcome for an appropriate period of time (a minimum of 90 days) to ensure stability, and it has been determined the individual no longer needs VR services.
4. At the end of the appropriate period of time, the individual and the qualified rehabilitation counselor employed by MDRS consider the employment outcome to be satisfactory and agree that the individual is performing well on the job.
5. The service record contains documentation that the services provided under the individual's IPE, whether provided directly by OVR/OVRB/OBD or through service providers, contributed to the achievement of the employment outcome.
6. The individual is informed through appropriate modes of communication of the availability of post-employment services.
7. Additional Supported Employment provisions related to closure are:

* The individual received supported employment services, as indicated in his/her IPE, prior to closure; and

* The individual has transitioned to extended services that are not paid for with agency funds, but are provided through a comparable benefit or service. 106

32 Miss. Code. R. 10-12-12.1

Adopted 8/1/2022

There must be supporting documentation in the service record to document the individual's hourly wage at exit from the VR program. This information is required to verify the individual is compensated at a rate that meets the definition of CIE.