32 Miss. Code. R. 1-22.0

Current through January 14, 2025

A client's case shall be closed when it has been determined by the Counselor that planned services are completed, as appropriate, or that additional services are either unnecessary or inappropriate.

Cases may be closed at different stages in the rehabilitation process:

* From Applicant Status

* After Eligibility From Pre-Service Listing

* After Eligibility but prior to ILP development

* After ILP development but prior to ILP services being initiated

* After Initiation of ILP services

There are two types of closure statuses:

* Closed Goals Met

* Closed Other Than Rehabilitated - Goals Not Met

There must be adequate documentation in the case record regarding the case closure. Documentation may be on AACE forms and case notes.

Required documentation generated from AACE includes the following:

* AACE Closure Report

* Notification of Closure Letter

* Closing Statement for Goals Met

* Certificate of Ineligibility

* Certificate of Ineligibility/ILP closing amendment

* AACE Case Summary Report at closure

* AACE Case History Report

All documentation regarding case closure must be clearly stated and written in a manner that presents a thorough explanation of the reasons or situations regarding the closure. All closure documentation must be based on the contents of the case record.

32 Miss. Code. R. 1-22.0