32 Miss. Code. R. 1-14.0

Current through January 14, 2025

Documentation of monitoring activities, including, but not limited to:

* All Initial and Re-certification Plan of Care that include the services the consumer is receiving that are adequate to meet their needs

* Case notes/records in which the Counselor documents the appropriates and adequacy of the services;

* Monthly contacts should include Counselor evaluation of health and welfare of participants, correspondence received from Medicaid or SSI, contact attempted with participant/caregiver, and if a specific problem was identified, was a follow-up conducted or resolution obtained.

* Quarterly Reviews are assessed to see if they were done every three (3) months, was home environment assessed, satisfaction with services, appropriateness of services, plan of care updated with quarterly visit date and any updated information, verification of services provided including number of hours, or specific equipment, supplies, home adaptations requested per the participant.

* Documentation of any actions taken in a crisis; and

* Information regarding the consumer's complaints regarding services being provided.

If problems are identified, the OSDP Counselor is responsible for taking appropriate steps, including, but not limited to:

* Making a determination if the POC requires a change to address new needs

* Referring any suspected case of abuse or neglect to the Department of Human Services and the Attorney General's Office

* Referring any potential fraud to the Attorney General's Office

* Encouraging the consumer to comply with the POC in those situations in which the consumer is unwilling to allow the PCA or other providers to deliver services as identified in the POC or otherwise is refusing to comply with his/her POC;

32 Miss. Code. R. 1-14.0