Whenever it is determined that an applicant for services is not an individual with a significant disability and/or services will not significantly assist the individual to improve his/her ability to function, continue functioning, or move towards functioning in the family or community, there must be a certification of ineligibility. This certification of ineligibility must be dated and signed by the IL Counselor.
The following must be provided:
* The reason for the ineligibility decision. This should be made only after full consultation with the applicant or, as appropriate, his/her parent, guardian, or other legally authorized advocate or representative, or after providing a clear opportunity for consultation:
* The applicant must be notified in writing of the determination;
* The applicant must be informed of his/her rights to express any disagreements with the decision, including administrative review and appeals;
* The individual must be provided with a detailed explanation of the availability and purposes of the Client Assistance Program
* If appropriate, the applicant will be referred to other agencies and facilities, including the VR. ( 34CFR Sec. 364.51)
32 Miss. Code. R. 1.17