Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 31-9-2.13 - Administration of Prescription Medications1. Qualified health or mental health professionals regularly monitor and document youth on psychotropic or other regular medications.2. Only individuals permitted under state law and regulations administer medication to youth.3. Qualified health professionals administer medications in a manner that protects the youth's medical confidentiality. 4. Youth with conditions that require immediate use of medication are provided immediate access to their medication.5. The medical authority complies with state and federal laws and regulations regarding procuring, prescribing, dispensing, administering, and disposing of pharmaceuticals.6. Written policies, procedures, and actual practices provide for continuity of medication while youth are in the facility.7. Medications are stored in proper environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, light, moisture, ventilation), with attention to safety (segregation of medications for external versus internal use) and security.8. Qualified mental health and health professionals document that the youth and youth's family have been explained the importance of continuing the current medication regimen upon the youth's release from the facility. Youth on psychotropic medications who require continuing care upon release shall be linked to community-based resources for ongoing oversight and care.9. Facility shall maintain on premises or through contacted health professionals, a supply of antidotes and emergency medications.10. Facility shall maintain accessible contact information for the appropriate parties in case of overdoses or toxicological emergencies.Miss. Code Ann. §§ 43-21-901 to 43-21-915 (Rev. 2016).