Current through January 14, 2025
1. The Basic Emergency Telecommunications Training Courses shall include classroom activity as well as hands-on skill certification. The primary portion of the training curriculum s hall come from the approved courses of national organizations which are considered the standards in the industry. The course instructor is also allowed time during the course to conduct practical training as is deemed necessary. A. Based on the Job Task Analysis study of Public Safety Telecommunicators, a list of essential tasks have been identified and transformed into basic learning objectives that need to be presented in the training of emergency telecommunicators. These include (1) basic objectives for all telecommunicators, (2) supplemental objectives for law enforcement and fire service telecommunicators and (3) supplemental objectives for emergency medical service telecommunicators. 1. The basic learning objectives of a Public Safety Telecommunicator (PST), which encompasses the disciplines of law enforcement, fire service and emergency medical service, include: a. Identify the essential skills which will enable you to be an effective and efficient PST. b. Identify the role of a PST. c. Identify the legal issues/exposure of the PST. d. Identify the role of the FCC and its rules and regulations in the work of a PST. e. Identify the liability and limits on the PST for release of improper legal advice or information. f. Identify the effects of stress on the role of the PST and techniques which can be used to counteract these negative effects. g. Describe the effects of stress on the PST and techniques used as coping mechanisms. 2. The learning objectives of Interpersonal Communications include: a. Identify the definition which best describes the act of verbal and electronic communication. b. Identify the techniques used to "control" an interview. c. Identify five of the seven steps necessary for communication to take place. d. Identify three of the five steps used when giving feedback. e. Identify three of the five techniques for improving verbal communications. f. Identify three of the seven techniques used to improve listening skills. g. Identify three of the five styles of responding to questions.h. Identify the concept of empathy. i. Identify the four basic communications skills. j. Discuss customer service strategies. k. Identify cultural issues which may hinder or help effective communications. l. Demonstrate by using the telephone, how to handle the following: 3. The learning objectives of Medical/Legal issues and Civil Liability include: a. Identify the definition of a Duty to Act. b. Identify the definition of a Standard of Care. c. Identify the four elements of negligence. d. Identify an act of commission. e. Identify an act of omission. f. Identify the definition of civil liability. g. Identify the four requirements of a successful tort claim. h. Identify the two types of civil liability faced by telecommunicators. i. Identify two of the three items in the communications center which can assist in liability protection. j. Define what situations create PST/customer privilege. k. Describe proper procedures to communicate confidential patient information. l. Describe local procedures for documentation and record keeping. 4. The learning objectives for Radio Techniques include: a. Identify the three primary segments of the radio spectrum that are used for public safety communications. b. Match "skip" with its correct definition. c. Match "repeater" with its correct definition. d. Match "clipping" with its correct definition. e. Identify the types of radios used by public safety agencies. f. Demonstrate how long a telecommunicator should transmit without releasing the transmitter switch. g. Identify the tree steps taken before transmitting on a radio. h. Demonstrate the speed at which information should be broadcast. 5. The learning objectives of Call Handling Techniques include: a. Given a call transcript, identify the who, what, when, where and how within the information provided. b. Describe what information is needed to assist responders in locating an incident. c. When an exact address is not known by the caller, identify what information will assist responders. d. Identify the concept of positive call termination. e. Identify the two addresses the reporting party may give you. f. Demonstrate the use of repetitive persistence when managing the hysterical caller. g. Describe ways to help children provide address locations. h. Describe methods used to deal with callers suffering from mental condition. 6. The learning objectives of 9-1-1 systems include: a. Identify three benefits public safety agencies receive from E-9-1-1. b. Demonstrate three ways that telecommunicators handle or reroute E-9-1-1 calls. c. Identify two of the three features of a basic 9-1-1 system. d. Identify the two primary features of an enhanced 9-1-1 system. e. Define "public safety answering point" and "emergency call". f. Demonstrate the proper technique to dispatch in the following simulations: 1. Hazardous Materials incident 2. Barricaded Person/Hostage 4. Emergency Medical Dispatch 7. The learning objectives of the use of a TDD or TTY include: a. Define the acronyms TDD and TTY. b. Identify the formats used for communication via a TDD or TTY. c. Demonstrate the methods used to identify a TDD or TTY call. d. Identify the code used when placing a TDD or TTY caller on hold while emergency assistance is dispatched. e. Identify the code used when it is the other person's turn to communicate on a TDD or TTY. f. Identify the code used to signify the end of a conversation on a TDD or TTY. g. Identify the code used when you are hanging up or completing a TDD or TTY call. h. Identify two things to consider when receiving an operator-assisted call. i. Demonstrate the ability to take control of a call and obtain the six W's of information gathering. j. Demonstrate positive call termination. k. Demonstrate the proper use of a TDD and TTY. l. Demonstrate taking an emergency call using the TDD. m. Discuss the need for TDD and TTY in the Communications Center. 8. The supplemental learning objectives for Law Enforcement and Fire Service Telecommunicators include: a. Match "peace officer" with its correct MS definition. b. Match "corrections officer" with its correct MS definition. c. Match "parole and probation officer" with its correct MS definition. d. Identify three of the four governmental levels of law enforcement found in Mississippi. e. Match "offense" with its correct MS definition. f. Match "crime" with its correct MS definition. g. Match "civil" law with its correct MS definition. h. Identify the differences between the County Sheriff's Office and a City Police Department. i. Match "correctional facility" with its correct MS definition. j. Identify the primary function of a "civil deputy". k. Identify the reasons why confidentiality is an important factor to the telecommunicator. l. Demonstrate the ability to differentiate between civil and criminal complaints. m. Given a simulation, differentiate between different kinds of crime and determine the specific nature of a call. n. Define the following terms: 1. Emergency Response Officer 2. Emergency Alerting System 3. All Points Bulletin or BOLO o. Identify and explain the resources available to a dispatcher other than those of a public safety agency, e.g. Poison Control, Child Welfare, Search and Rescue, State Fire Marshall's Office, etc. p. Identify four of the seven areas where law enforcement and fire service dispatchers expose themselves to liability. q. Identify four of the six ways law enforcement and fire service dispatchers can protect themselves and their agency from lawsuit. 9. The learning objectives for using the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and the Mississippi Justice Information Center (MJIC) include: a. Explain and apply to simulated situations policies and procedures which govern the use of and access to NCIC and MJIC. b. Explain the major security issues related to NCIC/MJIC. c. Identify limits in the use of NCIC/MJIC information and liability attached hereto. 10. The learning objectives for helping ensure responder safety include: a. Identify the telecommunicator's #1 awareness priority. b. Define "welfare check". c. Identify four of the six pieces of "safety" information that should be gathered and relayed to responding units if possible. d. Identify three procedures that, if performed, would aid in officer safety on traffic stops. e. Identify three of the five indicators that a problem may exist at the scene. f. Identify three of the six steps that the telecommunicator can take to assist in officer safety. g. Identity the procedure used when fire and/or emergency medical services are dispatched to a scene when law enforcement intervention is needed. h. Explain the idea of a "safety" update and when it should be done. B. In addition to understanding the learning objectives for Public Safety Telecommunicators, those telecommunicators whose duties involve the dispatching of emergency medical vehicles require more specialized instruction. 1. The basic learning objectives of Emergency Medical Dispatch include: a. Identify the concept of emergency medical dispatch. b. Given three examples, identify the need for giving pre-arrival instructions. c. Identify information which should be relayed to the responding EMS providers. d. Demonstrate the ability to take control of a call using directed interview techniques. e. Demonstrate the proper use of an EMD Card System. 2. The learning objectives for the roles and responsibilities of an EMS dispatcher include: a. Identify the primary roles of the Emergency Medical Dispatcher. b. Identify the levels of EMS personnel that provide pre-hospital medical care. c. Identify the levels of EMT certification. d. Define and identify how EMD cards are authorized for use. e. Discuss the process of becoming trained and certified as an EMD telecommunicator in Mississippi. 3. The learning objectives for Medical Response Telephone Techniques include: a. Identify the essential information that must be obtained from every caller. b. Define three types of callers. c. Identify methods to prompt and efficient gathering and dissemination of information. d. Discuss commonly held misconceptions regarding medical dispatching. e. Define and demonstrate the use of repetitive persistence. f. Define and differentiate Post Dispatch versus Pre-Arrival Instructions. 4. The learning objectives for Post Dispatch and Pre-Arrival Instructions include: a. Identify the concept of emergency medical dispatch. b. Given three examples, identify the need for giving Post Dispatch and/or Pre-Arrival instructions. c. Identify three of the six pieces of information which should be relayed to the responding EMS providers. d. Demonstrate the ability to take control of a call using directed interview techniques. e. Demonstrate the proper use of an EMD card system. 5. The learning objectives for a general medical background include: c. Demonstrate how to determine pulse rate. d. Identify what low blood pressure may indicate concerning a patient's condition. e. Demonstrate how to determine the status of a patient's respiration. f. Identify the normal human body temperature. g. Identify the three characteristics of the patient's skin which can be used to determine patient status. h. Explain the function of respiration. i. Explain the function of the circulatory system. j. Identify the correct location of the human heart. k. Explain the function of arteries. l. Explain the function of veins. m. Identify the normal clotting time. n. Discuss how to determine a patient's level of consciousness. o. Define breathing difficulty. q. Identify the signs and symptoms of shock. 6. The learning objectives for Legal Considerations include: c. Define duty as it relates to EMS dispatching. d. Define breach of duty as it relates to EMS dispatching. e. Identify those guidelines which are used by a judge in a court case to determine the standard of care. g. Define proximate cause. h. Identify the three circumstances which provide for exemption from liability under the "Good Samaritan" law. i. Identify and define the two types of consent. 31 Miss. Code. R. 601-9.2
Miss Code Ann. § 19-5-355