Rule 31-1-9.2 - Physical and Mental Disabilities1. By law, the department is specifically prohibited from issuing a license to any person who is afflicted with such a physical or mental disability that prevents him/her from exercising with reasonable and ordinary control over a motor vehicle upon the streets and highways.2. Observe during the interview and while you are checking the application and giving the eye test. Note whether the applicant has any apparent physical disability. In the majority of cases, you do not have to let the applicant know that you are watching the way he/she walks and the way he/she uses his/her arms and hands. If anyone has a noticeable limp, an arm or leg missing, walks with crutches, is particularly small and apt to having trouble in reaching the pedals, has on a brace, or states on the application that he/she suffers from dizzy spells or fainting spells, question him/her closely but tactfully. A person may have some disability which would prevent him from participating in athletic events and still be perfectly qualified to operate a motor vehicle safely. Give the applicant the DR-11 form and explain it to him/her.3. Deafness is not a cause for failure to an applicant. Let applicant take the written test and mark application "Restriction 3" (outside mirrors).4. Physical disabilities - Unable to pass road test given - give applicant the DR-11 form (medical form) and explain. Make sure the block labeled "To be completed by Driver License Examiner", is completely filled out by the examiner.5. Driver license examiners may make an on-the-spot determination about the necessity of re-examination. Upon the examiner's observation that an individual may be unsafe or incompetent to drive, he/she may request that he/she retake all of the tests, the examiner will mail the license to the Director of Driver Improvement Branch, along with complete and detailed documentation as to the action taken and why it was believed necessary. The Director of the Driver Improvement Branch will temporarily suspend the driving privilege of said driver until he/she has successfully completed and passed the retesting requirements. The Driver Improvement Hearing Board Officer will follow the procedure outlined in Section II, A.