E-mails must be checked each and every working day. There is no exception to this rule. When an applicant prints are submitted for a security threat assessment electronically, a response is sent back via e-mail to the transmitting station. This response will be from one of two (2) agencies, state agencies or FBI. This lets the examiner know if the fingerprints submitted for each applicant were accepted or rejected. If the prints are rejected, it is the examiner's responsibility to contact that applicant to return for submitting a new set of prints. The department is charged each time a print is submitted. If an applicant's prints are rejected, there is a transaction control reference number on the rejection notice that can be entered on the new submission to prevent from being billed a second time. This number must be entered anytime a print is being re-submitted. The transaction control reference number can only be submitted once. If an applicant is rejected three (3) or more times, you do not need to enter this number.
31 Miss. Code. R. 1-10.20