Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-301-1.10 - Trainers and SecondA. Every person serving as a trainer must be licensed.B. No individual may be in the corner other than licensed trainers and seconds.C. Competitors and trainers shall not bring unlicensed individuals to the ring.D. Licensed contestants and managers may qualify as seconds.E. All trainers shall be responsible for maintaining good conduct before, during and after the contest.F. The Commission shall determine the number of trainers used for each bout.G. A contestant may lose points or be disqualified for the conduct of his/her trainer(s). H. Any Commission member or referee may eject a second for violations.I. The referee may deduct points from the fighter or disqualify the fighter for violations caused by the trainer-second.J. Before a contest begins, the seconds and trainers shall: 1) Be identified for the inspector and the referee. Only those identified and licensed shall be allowed in the corner.2) Before putting on gloves, the trainer shall present the fighters wrapped hands for inspection by the supervising Commission inspector.3) The trainer shall present the contestant and be ready to fight when the referee calls the contestants to ring center for final instructions.4) Sealed sport drinks must be presented to the Commission for examination before the bout or they may not be used.K. During the round, seconds: 3) Shall not heckle opponent.4) Shall not mount the stairs or apron or enter the ring until the bell indicates the end of a round.5) Shall refrain from excessive coaching that may interfere with the referee.6) A contestants trainer shall not heckle or in any manner annoy the opponent of the contestant or the referee, before, during and after the contest.7) Shall not enter the ring to assist or move a contestant who has been knocked-down or injured until instructed to do so by medical personnel.8) The seconds may not assist a contestant that has been knocked out of the ring.9) Shall signal the referee to stop the fight by mounting the ring apron and verbally notifying the referee and using a waving hand and/or throwing a towel into the ring.10) Shall not physically assist during the round.11) The referee may halt time and warn a trainer for violations. The referee may have the judges deduct points from the contestant for violations from their trainer or second.L. During the one minute rest period, a second: 1) May coach his/her fighter.2) May treat cuts, abrasions and/or swelling.3) May provide water, ice, approved sports drinks or other cooling-down techniques.4) Shall leave the ring at the sound of the timekeeper's whistle that is given ten seconds before a round begins and shall wipe the floor clean.5) Shall remove all items in the ring and on the ring platform prior to the bell sounding the beginning of the round and shall wipe the floor clean of debris and water.6) Shall not administer alcoholic beverages, narcotics or stimulants to a contestant.7) Shall insure that the tape on the glove lace is secure before the sound of the start bell.30 Miss. Code. R. 301-1.10
Miss. Code Ann. 75-75-105